

labour of love

To develop a mango orchard you will have to do some planning on paper first:

1) Selection of mango variety best suited to your soil and climate
2) Planting density
3) Source of mango saplings--- govt. nursery OR private nursery
4) Method of irrigation-- flow or drip or sprinkler
5) Choice of fertilizer
6) Pest and disease control
7) Pruning and weeding
8) Harvesting, sorting and packing
9) Marketing-- either directly to the mandi or to a wholesaler or a retailer in the nearest city to your farm

The National Horticulture Board and the State Horticulture Boards give some subsidy on planting new mango orchards. NABARD loan is also available for the same. You will have to contact them for further details.

Thus you can see that planning and planting a mango orchard is hard work indeed but if this is what you really want to do, it should become a labour of love. Good luck!
