I am farmer producing buffalo milk.
I am also manufacturing malai PANEER.
I want buyers who purchase PANEER Daly
Samadhan mule
Mob 088 88 62 90 27
It has been found that about 4-5% of the total milk produced in India is converted into paneer. Without strong and steady trading network paneer is risky business .
Paneer has a short life span of about 2-3 days at refrigeration storage without much deterioration in the quality, but freshness of the product is lost after 1 day,
Proper refrigeration ( 5-8 deg C ) right from manufacturing end to retail outlet or cold chain is important for all dairy products including paneer or it will be unfit for consumption in raw form due to higher microbiological activity.
The reason why most of branded and local milk and milk products in India are contaminated with pathogen
L. monocytogenes.
The spoilage in paneer occurs due to the surface growth of microorganisms . A greenish yellow slime forms on the surface and the discolouration is accompanied by an off-odour.. To curb the surface growth of microorganisms and thereby increase the shelf-life of paneer, the several are adopted.- Chilling , Brining , Chemical preservatives , Freezing, vacuum packaging ,Heat sterilization, Grass additives etc.
Technically not viable for small dairy farm owners .
Think about any other value addition from buffalo milk having long shelf life i.e. ghee