Looking for Start up in Plantation in Uttar Pradesh



New Member
Hello Everyone,

Please help me to guide on the business i am looking forward with plantation services in Uttra Pradesh and nearby states. what can i do? what can be the buisness model? should i invest first in plantation? which plants are good as per flaura and fauna of our region.

We can assist you with Herbal and Medicinal crops for plantation.
Generally States if UP, and surrounding areas should be viable.
Please send me your bio data, experience, etc.
Also send me your land soil report, water availablity through the year, etc.

Investment availablity per acre basis to enable us to decisively go ahead.

You may email me at happirehabcenter@gmail.com,
Cell:+91-9869049987, for further information.

Thank you,
Dr. Hozefa Kagalwala

I am a farmer having lands in Kerala and Karnataka.
I got the best coconut farmer of Southwestern India award of the years 2014 to 2016, by the Indian Coconut Development Board . It was awarded by Central Agriculture Minister st Bubaneswar . I am a Zero Budget Natural farmer for the past 7 years.
My advise for a new man to enter Farmin in any part of India is to . ZBNF or Subash Palekar in the Net and learn this farming method and begin..
