Looking for information on Cashew Cultivation



I have a few questions on growing Cashews. I would love to hear from you if you have experience of growing them on a commercial scale.

1.Ideally how far should the land be from the sea?
2.In case of planting on undulating land is it better to plant in direct sunlight or in the shade?On the windward or leeward slopes?
3.Roughly how many trees are planted per acre?What is the approx.yield per tree using traditional techniques?And min. how many acres are needed to have a commercially viable farm?


Please find below answers to your queries:
1. How far should be the land from sea: Land from seashore to upto 10km aerially from the sea shore results in better productivity. Land near creek is also good as it offers similar benefits as seashore land.

2. Plant in direct sunlight or in the shade: Cashew tree needs direct sunlight and it can not grow in shadow. It grows well in land with slope, does not matter what type of slope it is.

3. Trees per acre: Cashew can be planted at recommended distance of 7m x 7m. With this distance, 82 plants can be planted in 1 acre which is 4046 sq meter. However, I would recommend higher density plantation at 5m x 5m and plant 161 trees. Land is a scare resource you should utilize it more.

4. Yield per tree: Cashew tree of Vengurla 4 variety would yield 15-18kg per tree. However, please remember that you need to provide fertilizers and water in requisite quantity. Watering Cashew before and during flowering stage could double the production.

5. Acres needed for commercially viable farm: This is subjective as it depends on many factors. I would suggest minimum 5 acres of land.

Hope this helps.
