Looking for agricultural land around Satara



Active Member
Land Near Satara

Agricultural Land For Sale
Near Satara(Maharashtra),3 Km from Pune-Banglore High, road touch,3 Plots, total 190 gunthe, with fencing,water,electricity,1200 fruit trees,house,16 swadeshi cows, cow shed, biogas plant of 8 Cub Mtrs, daily one Mton biogas slurry out put , vermicompost project, for irrigation scheme one guntha plot at riverside with Paniparwana,
See image at google earth at:
1. 17 36 46 13 North 73 59 33 84 East
2. 17 36 39 72 North 73 59 19 53 East
3. 17 36 39 56 North 73 59 19 51 East
