loan to purchase agri land for cultivating mulberry leaves



New Member
Dear sir,

i want to know what is the procedure to purchase agri lands by applying for loan . is there any availability of loans from any banks on low interest. if it is..
sir please let me know what all the conditions apply loan

kumar rajasekar

New Member
Reported Post by kumar rajasekar

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dear ari86agri . there are somany ways to get agriloan from banks. you send detailed report about your requirement with your biodata to
Post: loan to purchase agri land for cultivating mulberry leaves
Forum: Questions & Answers
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: ari86agri
Original Content:
Dear sir,

i want to know what is the procedure to purchase agri lands by applying for loan . is there any availability of loans from any banks on low interest. if it is..
sir please let me know what all the conditions apply loan
