We have fertile land in Tamil Nadu with water access and are looking for Joint Venture options with established corporations or other large agri-operators. Since our family is based in the city, the JV partner will have access to the land, bring own labours and freedom to develop or cultivate. Some of the highlights include :
Irrigation infrastructure already installed and supported by multiple bore wells.
Large farm machinery and mechanization toolkit includes Mini Tractors, PTO accessories, trailer.
Large 2000 sqft nursery with shade-net for germination and sapling hardening.
Modern farmhouse of 2800 Sq ft with all modern amenities for living and office accommodation.
Several on-site family / labour quarters with flush toilets of at least 2 rooms each.
Permanent electricity connections, with dedicated transformer.
Scientifically laid out Farm roads and culverts for farm management.
Fodder cultivation for animal husbandry.
There is lots more, please contact us for more details.
Irrigation infrastructure already installed and supported by multiple bore wells.
Large farm machinery and mechanization toolkit includes Mini Tractors, PTO accessories, trailer.
Large 2000 sqft nursery with shade-net for germination and sapling hardening.
Modern farmhouse of 2800 Sq ft with all modern amenities for living and office accommodation.
Several on-site family / labour quarters with flush toilets of at least 2 rooms each.
Permanent electricity connections, with dedicated transformer.
Scientifically laid out Farm roads and culverts for farm management.
Fodder cultivation for animal husbandry.
There is lots more, please contact us for more details.