land in konkan area


jay dixit

Dear all,
I am willing to step in agribussiness with very little budget which can be increased step by step
I am looking for a land in Sindhudurga district or Ratnagiri
Also want to know the overaal agribussess profile with most prefered choices for the cultivation.
I am requesting you all to share your expertise, views, knowledge.

with best regards,

jay dixit
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consider agriculture as a bussiness only.i u should consider the land price as investment.and additional investments will also be required.always calculate the interest with 12% and ur income should be atleast 3 times for ur survival.never buy land form real estate people bez they dont aim for agricultural development but for taking away ur money.

consider agriculture as a bussiness only.i u should consider the land price as investment.and additional investments will also be required.always calculate the interest with 12% and ur income should be atleast 3 times for ur survival.never buy land form real estate people bez they dont aim for agricultural development but for taking away ur money.

Good one Shanbs.

Dear all,
I am willing to step in agribussiness with very little budget which can be increased step by step
I am looking for a land in Sindhudurga district or Ratnagiri
Also want to know the overaal agribussess profile with most prefered choices for the cultivation.
I am requesting you all to share your expertise, views, knowledge.

with best regards,

jay dixit

Jay....If you are planning horticulture like mangoes, cashews and spices project in Konkan belt, we can help you with our clients who need the products continuously. We are coordinating with a US Co. which is interested in procuring mango pulp, cashew concentrate in bulk year on year. Please free to contact us
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Dear Jay, Difficult part will be buying land cheap enough to do agriculture. At fancy prices your project viability is under cloud. Moreover buy land from owner directly and spend money on checking papers, encumbrance for last 60 years, khata or patta and whatever is applicable for the state you buying in. Legal advice should be taken before deciding. Do not believe third parties who sell land to you or create dreams in the air with how great an investment and returns you get. Ask them if it is so great why they not doing it themselves! Do your own research. Check with neighbours in the area, meet panchayat members, and talk to people in the village before buying. Farming small scale is not viable unless you go into capital intensive projects like green houses etc. Buying clear title land for large-scale projects is not easy. All of them require hands-on management. No remote control works in agriculture. You have to be there and know whats going on. I have my doubts anyone today can do "agri business" with small budget but I may be wrong.

cultivation patters for konkan area...

Yeah Jacob thank you.
It is fact that one need to be very watchful and alert from starting point.
What actually i am expecting is little investment and intially even even less returns.
no doubt if things are ok the investment can be increased in incremental manner. Less risk option i m searching for.
basically what you r saying is right that the title ahs to clear and secondly one needs to involve in day to day activities.
I am looking for land in the konkan area because of ease to moniter and control the operations from my side.
But to suit the geography, what should I go for in terms of the cultivation patterns i e horticulture, fishery or short term crops like spices or long term like horticulture mango, teak etc.


Jay Dixit
