Land for cattle farming




I stay in Mumbai. I am very much interested in establishing my own cattle farm by purchasing land on the outskirts of Mumbai.

However, I am not sure what kind of land is required for dairy / cattle farming. I am not a farmer, hence, wont be able to buy agricultural land as only farmers can buy agricultural land in Maharashtra. What other kind of land is required by law for starting cattle / dairy farming.

Hope some of the members will be able to guide me in this aspect.

Thanking you in anticipation

Hello VAishak,

SInce you are not a farmer, you will not be able to buy agriculture land. If you dont have agriculture land, you will have to buy fodder, feed from outside and that will turn out to be expensive. You can maybe with 5-10 cows start up a very small farm and sell milk locally. Or if you can afford for the purchase of feed regularly, then start with 5-10 cows initially and then expand. Regarding the law, please refer to the land use policy, Maharashtra State Government

Ashwini S

Hi Ashwini,

Thanks for your prompt revert.

I am very much aware of the fact that it would be difficult for me as compared to others having agricultural land, to start a cattle farm. The profitability in my case would lessen as I would have to buy the fodder. But I want to start with 10-15 cows and then slowly expand.

My question regarding type of land required for cattle farming is unanswered. Request you / others to pls shed some light on it.

Hi VAishak,

There is nothing specific about type of land. YOu can start it on any plain land. The land is required for the construction of dairy sheds and other farm structures as well as for the production of fodder. The land required for fodder production depends on the carrying capacity of the land. On an average 4 to 5 dairy animals along with their followers can be maintained on an acre of well fertile agricultural land with assured irrigation facilities. Now-a-days with the availability of total mixed rations (TMR) in the market, the requirement of land for fodder cultivation can be reduced. However, the farm productivity is higher and the cost of milk production is lower if farm grown good quality green fodders are available in plenty. Since you plan to buy fodder, land is only required for shed construction and if you want to start a milk processing plant along, the land would be required for that.

Ashwini S

Hello Vaishak,

If you want to grow fodders, then water should not stagnant in the farm land. Otherwise, any land can be purchased. But water facility should be there for 24hrs

Amanullah A. G

Thanks Ashwini,

Can you also tell me whether I have to apply for any licence or permission from state govermnent / municipality/ panchayat.etc for starting the cattle farm. Regarding the fodder, I would like to explore the hydroponics fodder concept.

Thanks Ashwini / ag_aman2004,

Can you also tell me whether I have to apply for any licence or permission from state govermnent / municipality/ panchayat.etc for starting the cattle farm. Regarding the fodder, I would like to explore the hydroponics fodder concept.

Yes, you have to get the permission from the land area head.
This will help you in future, if anybody raise the question about the permission?

Amanullah A. G.


You could consider taking a Dairy farm shed on rental basis.

If interested do let me know. I have a friend who wants to give his shed on rent.

If you are interested I can connect you both.


Heramb Gupte 9820593918
