Wanted Land around Sadasivpet, Telegana

require land about 20 to 30 ac around sadasivpet, telangana. The price should be around 5 lakhs. the site shall have road approach.

Hi Sree Nivasa,

We have multiple properties near Sadasivpet

1) 3 Acares 6 Guntas agriculture land available for sale at 1.5 Km from Sadashivepet Bypass
Price 50 lakhs per acare.

2) 150 Acares Panchalinagala Village
Siripuram Mandal,Marpalle
Price 10 Lakhs per Acar

3) 120 acares at Rallagudapalle Village
On Sadashivpet and Mominpet Road
Price 11 lakhs per acare

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Thank you Ramakrishna garu, but we are looking for small extents ie about 20 to 30 ac. that too around 5 lakhs, may be in interior.
