labourers for dairy farm



I am planning to start a dairy farm in begur near mysore.So i need 2 unskilled labourers to stay in my farm.So i would like to know if there is any ageny that provide labourers.


New Member
More details

Could you give some details. Will they be paid for this, what about boarding/lodging.

I work with an NGO and one of our older students wants to work on a Dairy Farm to learn the vocation.

Thank you.


New Member

I am writing from Kathmandu, Nepal. I would like to send you workers if you are interested. Nepalis are honest, hardworking and, above all, very loyal. If you pay them well and treat them well, they will serve you with utmost loyalty.

You are write to me directly . I look forward to hearing from you

Best regards.

- Madan
Kathmandu, Nepal
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New Member
Labour required in Uttar Pradesh

We are planning to start a Dairy Farm near Delhi (60 kms away from it). We would be interested in labour who have knowledge of dairy & cattle handling, we will provide home and food plus regular income as salary.
Kindly let us know your interest in send or arranging the labour for the same.
Sanjeev Chaudhary
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