KAMADENU GROUP- Invites Business associates across the Districts / States.

Need your contact details to send the details

Dear Mr. RAVI, and RAJU

Thank you for the enquiry and we appreciate you for the interest and confidence expressed in our company and products.

We request you to please provide us your contact details including email id to enable us to send you all the relevant details

Thanks and regards
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pls give details

myself bineesh joseph from palghat,kerala.we r interested to start ur franchisee in palghat,kerala state.pls give us more details.

KAMADHENU GROUP - invites Business Associates across the State / District wise to partner as District FRANCHISEE / BUSINESS ASSOCIATE in the ever growing "PURIFIED DRINKING WATER" water treatment industry.

Our sister concern , an ISO 9000 – 2008 certified state-of-the-art technology, excellent manufacturing and processing facility, is a leading manufacturer, exporter, importer and supplier of drinking water filtration systems. Dedicated to the Water and Waste water treatment industry, we proudly boast of high level of skill and experience in installing excellent purity process and drinking water filtration systems. Our experience covers the entire spectrum from small scale modifications and up-grades to total design and installation of multi-million pound and ultra high-purity systems.



Excellent remuneration

Long term business tie up

For more details please get in touch with us

Thanks and regards
Dear sir,
I am Sanjeev kumar Srivastava, proprietor - K.P. and Sons, Kanpur. We have good reputation in and around Uttar Pradesh. We have an established distribution network (both rural and urban) for poultry medicines, vaccines and equipments in U.P. We now want to diversify our business so; we are interested in your proposal.
If things go well we both will be in win win situation.
Our e-mail i.d. for future correspondence is :
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Need more info

Let me introduce myself Seetharam form Dubai working in software firm interested in set ting up my own business in india, Coimbatore.

I would like to understand your business model can you send me more detail about it.

KAMADHENU GROUP - invites Business Associates across the State / District wise to partner as District FRANCHISEE / BUSINESS ASSOCIATE in the ever growing "PURIFIED DRINKING WATER" water treatment industry.

Our sister concern , an ISO 9000 – 2008 certified state-of-the-art technology, excellent manufacturing and processing facility, is a leading manufacturer, exporter, importer and supplier of drinking water filtration systems. Dedicated to the Water and Waste water treatment industry, we proudly boast of high level of skill and experience in installing excellent purity process and drinking water filtration systems. Our experience covers the entire spectrum from small scale modifications and up-grades to total design and installation of multi-million pound and ultra high-purity systems.



Excellent remuneration

Long term business tie up

For more details please get in touch with us

Thanks and regards
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I would like to introduced my self. I am vinod karkar 30 years experiance in Agro Industies ,I am interested to work with you as a business Associates
Pl. send detils

Dear Sir,
Please send us the details of the proposal on email given below.

Thanks n regards
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