Kadulimb Saplings in Healthy state required

We call it Kadulimb in Marathi. Its fruits are called as Limboni or Nimboni.
Its leaves and fruits are very useful in organic farming and I need at least 4 - 5 trees in my new farm at Roha in Raigad District of Kokan area in Maharashtra.
I visited many nurseries here but every where the saplings were in very poor shape.
Where can I get good healthy Kadulimb Saplings.


Senior Member
Kadulimb - Neem tree

Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) Now so much fresh seeds are coming to the market, you can get it and plant in poly bags, you will get good quality seedlings. It needs bright sunlight to grow, if you keep it in shade you will not get good growth and shining look.
