joint vanture wanted for new dairy plant start



I have land and I want some one invested with me to make packet milk and sell it in near city kanpur. milk and building ready investor want only for machinery or interested party mail me on
tearm bussiness here. huge profit
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How Many Cost of Investment.

Please call on my cell
Kiran Patil
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Dear Sir,

I am interested.
1. What is the size of the investment you are expecting?
2. Is project report is prepared?



I have prepare all the details starting cost .I need 10 to 15 lakhs plz mail me If you are interested .I am from uttarpradesh and want to start dairy project in uttarpradesh city:-kanpur huge profit earning sure.Long term partnership as well as I start fish farming business to very soon.
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hello thanks for taking interest

Hello shaiganesh and kinath,
I have prepare all the details starting cost .I need 10 to 15 lakhs plz mail me If you are interested .I am from uttarpradesh and want to start dairy project in uttarpradesh city:-kanpur huge profit earning sure.Long term partnership as well as I start fish farming business to very soon.
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