Is Farming Profitable?



I tried many things in my newly aquired farm of 10 acres but have been only able to meet expenses - No Profit.

Can anyone help me with his experience if made reasonal profits in this activity.

Please share your experiences




Senior Member
Dear manohar,

I am wondering why you are not able to make any profit.

If you give us the type of crops as well as the expenses you have done, it will give an idea to understand the problem correctly. Once the problem statement is clear, suggestions on profit making will be easy to provide.

Padmanabhan Ganesan


You need to have a stratergy in place to target your profit. It is very difficult to achieve this in farming as there are many variable factors to take into consideration.
Moveover the chances of short term profits are really not realistically achievable in farming. I hope I am not discouraging you - if you enjoy farming then there is no other proffession that can give you the same kind of satisfaction. But as the saying goes - satisfaction comes with hardwork and perservation in your efforts. Cheers Philip

You need to have a stratergy in place to target your profit. It is very difficult to achieve this in farming as there are many variable factors to take into consideration.
Moveover the chances of short term profits are really not realistically achievable in farming. I hope I am not discouraging you - if you enjoy farming then there is no other proffession that can give you the same kind of satisfaction. But as the saying goes - satisfaction comes with hardwork and perservation in your efforts. Cheers Philip
Very well said!!


Established Member
Expert Member
profitable farming

Dear Manohar,
10 acres is the minimum size one should have to make it a profitable farm and you have it.If other infrastructures are in place and capability to invest and manage is also there it should give you a gross profit of Rs 20 lakhs and net profit of Rs 10 lakhs per year provided it is supported by good project consultant who has good experience in technical aspects and finance background(single person).
Self experimentation does not bring good results just like trying to cure diseases with self medication.

visit us at

best of luck

anil patil


Senior Member
Where is your farm?

Hello Mr.Manohar,

Please let us know where is your farm and what is that you have done so far.

If you are a first timer please this if for everyone, "Don't directly get into only crops" you need a small scale intergrated project and that will drive you into looking into many details and you'll soon master a lot of stuff which will help you reap good profit.

If you farm is located within 100 kms from chennai then we can help you reap profit, we do consulting only on net returns and not getting paid to just give you some advise, we will provide full consultany from planning to profit we do all activities and help in 100% marketing your product to "show you the money"

We are are team who has vast experience in agriculture and other allied activities and have a good network of govt orders.

Or else you can always email me and i will give you the advise on how to start safe and drive towards a good intergrated and sustainable farming.


pl tell me your location and water resource. i have 4 acres and trying to make profits since last year.
let us share the exp.

It is profitable

Dear Manohar,
First let me know from where you are from you can visit my website which will give what you can do.

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windfall profits

in agriculture one seed grows and gives plenty of seeds but profit doesnt come means then this government and traders or cheating us. dont cultivate which doesnot fetch you good price.

if you plant hibiscus you can get more than one lakh per year but labour intensive.
if you plant indigofera tinctoria or henna or thulasi then you get 25000 to 60000 rs per year. dont have marketing fear, i will buy all these things at good rates from you.
with the following you can get 4 to 8 lakhs per year without much fuss. dont lose hope

I tried many things in my newly aquired farm of 10 acres but have been only able to meet expenses - No Profit.

Can anyone help me with his experience if made reasonal profits in this activity.

Please share your experiences


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trees growing is better your lands

Dear sir,
you will do your 10 acre lands is trees growing future good income for mangos,coconuts,paulownia is better.

Dear Manohar,

Surprised. But let me tell your location of land and water resourecs and wht kind of crop u r growing with details. we will help you.


Ranjeet Rawat
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Active Member
patience, perseverance and vision are the key to farm success

Farming can be profitable if one is willing to change one's mindset and do things a little differently from the run-of-the-mill farmers. A mixed, integrated farm meaning one that grows cereals, millets, pulses, fruits, vegetables herbs and also keeps cows can be extremely successful over a period of time. But you need to give yourself at least 5 years to reach this point.

The more you can cut down on your input costs by making your own farm inputs, the higher your profit margin will be. I hope you get this subtle yet important point. Because most farmers today are spending huge amounts on farm inputs and the money from sales is hardly sufficient to meet the input costs. Th picture changes for the better when a farmer starts making his own farm inputs with cheap, locally available materials.

Just growing single crops and hoping for profits is an unwise thing because prices of cereals and pulses fluctuate in the open market from year to year, season to season. That is why a wise farmer who thinks of the long term plants tree crops on his farm-- fruits, herbs, green manure plants. Why even one acre of coconut trees will give you a good income provided you follow good cultivation practices. But this means waiting for 5-6 years for the trees to bear fruit. Ditto for mango trees.

Patience and vision are essential to be a good and successful farmer in the long run. If you have these qualities success cannot be far away despite temporary setbacks due to natural factors. If you want further advice on this send me a PM.


Established Member
profit in the farm

Dear Manohar
Nine people have give replies/ comments/suggestions. But I have not find your response. Can you respond so that we all can all learn from each other.
Philip Benis


Dear Mr Hari Prasanth,

I want to visit your web site can you please provide me the link.


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