patience, perseverance and vision are the key to farm success
Farming can be profitable if one is willing to change one's mindset and do things a little differently from the run-of-the-mill farmers. A mixed, integrated farm meaning one that grows cereals, millets, pulses, fruits, vegetables herbs and also keeps cows can be extremely successful over a period of time. But you need to give yourself at least 5 years to reach this point.
The more you can cut down on your input costs by making your own farm inputs, the higher your profit margin will be. I hope you get this subtle yet important point. Because most farmers today are spending huge amounts on farm inputs and the money from sales is hardly sufficient to meet the input costs. Th picture changes for the better when a farmer starts making his own farm inputs with cheap, locally available materials.
Just growing single crops and hoping for profits is an unwise thing because prices of cereals and pulses fluctuate in the open market from year to year, season to season. That is why a wise farmer who thinks of the long term plants tree crops on his farm-- fruits, herbs, green manure plants. Why even one acre of coconut trees will give you a good income provided you follow good cultivation practices. But this means waiting for 5-6 years for the trees to bear fruit. Ditto for mango trees.
Patience and vision are essential to be a good and successful farmer in the long run. If you have these qualities success cannot be far away despite temporary setbacks due to natural factors. If you want further advice on this send me a PM.