Advertising Investor required for Dairy farming in Bangalore



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Hi .

We are setting up a dairy farm. If you are interested in dairy farming, you can join us. Investment required per person is Rs. 20-40 thousand (investor willing to invest even above Rs.40,000 can invest). Since we have finalized the land and starting the construction work.

We have found a suitable land(3 acres with water. electricity, house and frontier facilities) for next 3 years and all the facilities required for dairy farming (including milk co-operative, vet nary hospital, doctors, insurance for the animals and other government subsidies are also available) with 2 km radius from our dairy farm.

Interested people can get in touch with me.

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Hello sir

pls tell me only investment is enough or will thw invwstor have to monitor the dairy, or will he have to visit weekly etc.


1) Only investment is enough, if your wanted to invest alone
2) In case want to be partner then monitoring is left to you, because i would be taking care and managing the dairy on daily basis (you wish you can join me)
3) weekly visit is welcomed and can bring in friends or relatives to have feel of the farm and think over investing in new projects, which we are planning to have in tamilnadu to.

Frequently asked questions from our investors

1) what are the “terms & conditions” of this project?
Investor will sign with us in a stamp paper with minimum one year period, after one year they can renewal or cancel their agreement. In any case investor cancels their agreement before one year, we are not responsible for their full investment amount, and investors can sell their livestock take home their money.

2) What is the “investment product” of this project for depreciation purposes? For example, cow + machinery + infrastructure are used for depreciation?
The investments are made in livestock, at the end of agreement date we sell the livestock and refund their investments done with us.

3) Is there any hidden risk in this project?
No there are no hidden risks in this project; we are transparent to all the investors. Investors can visit their livestock in 9am – 5pm (any day in agreement period)

4) For example, is there anything in this investment that the insurance does not cover?
When the livestock reach our insurance will be arranged in one week until we take full responsible

5) Is this project sensitive to the number of investors you have? In that case, how many investors do you have now in this project?
Yes this project is sensitive to limited investors until we reach required capital. We are not able to mention that, because of our projects and returns are liked by more investors and investing in our projects.

6) Can you show me the financials (monthly returns) for investing rs. 40,000, rs.80,000 and rs. 1,20,000 in this project also?

For Rs 40,000(1cow +insurance +transport)
1 cow ×12lit milk/day =12lit/day
12lit×30days =360lit/month
360lit×20/lit =Rs.7,200
7200x10=Rs.72, 000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+500+500+17500+700) =19,700
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.2,615: Rs.1,743) per month and ( Rs.31,380: Rs.20,920)
For Rs 1,20,000(3cow’s +insurance +transport)
3cows ×12lit milk/day =36lit/day
36lit×30days =1080lit/month
1080lit×20/lit =Rs.21, 600
21,600x10=Rs. 2,16,000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+1,500+1,500+52,500+2,100) =59,100
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.7,845: Rs.5,230) per month and ( Rs.94,140: Rs.62,760)

7) Mode of payment & Repayment?
We accepting Demand Draft, Bank transfer, Cheque and Cash
After investment we take maximum 7 days to buy livestock, and the closing date of monthly payment is 30th day of month, and the monthly income will be credited in 1st day of every month in investor account, if that day is govt. holiday next working day cash will be credited in account and first month payment would be delayed by 15 days as it involves purchasing of livestock and transportation, insurance etc needs to be taken care before production.

8) Could you attach a copy of the “government stamp paper agreement” between you and the investor?
Yes! You ask for the same if investing in our firm. We will send it across to mail id or corresponding address.

9) Can you provide 1 or 2 investor references who are already investing with you? i would like to know their experience as an investor.
Sorry, we can’t provide investors details

Above Rs. 1, 50,000/- 50:50 Deal
Minimum Investment -Rs. 40,000/- (1No’s + Insurance Charges)
Monthly Returns -Rs. 2,650/-
Yearly returns – Rs. 26,500
13th Month Refund -Rs. 66,500/- (including original investment – if not interested to continue further)
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Frequently asked questions from our investors

1) what are the “terms & conditions” of this project?
Investor will sign with us in a stamp paper with minimum one year period, after one year they can renewal or cancel their agreement. In any case investor cancels their agreement before one year, we are not responsible for their full investment amount, and investors can sell their livestock take home their money.

2) What is the “investment product” of this project for depreciation purposes? For example, cow + machinery + infrastructure are used for depreciation?
The investments are made in livestock, at the end of agreement date we sell the livestock and refund their investments done with us.

3) Is there any hidden risk in this project?
No there are no hidden risks in this project; we are transparent to all the investors. Investors can visit their livestock in 9am – 5pm (any day in agreement period)

4) For example, is there anything in this investment that the insurance does not cover?
When the livestock reach our insurance will be arranged in one week until we take full responsible

5) Is this project sensitive to the number of investors you have? In that case, how many investors do you have now in this project?
Yes this project is sensitive to limited investors until we reach required capital. We are not able to mention that, because of our projects and returns are liked by more investors and investing in our projects.

6) Can you show me the financials (monthly returns) for investing rs. 40,000, rs.80,000 and rs. 1,20,000 in this project also?

For Rs 40,000(1cow +insurance +transport)
1 cow ×12lit milk/day =12lit/day
12lit×30days =360lit/month
360lit×20/lit =Rs.7,200
7200x10=Rs.72, 000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+500+500+17500+700) =19,700
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.2,615: Rs.1,743) per month and ( Rs.31,380: Rs.20,920)
For Rs 1,20,000(3cow’s +insurance +transport)
3cows ×12lit milk/day =36lit/day
36lit×30days =1080lit/month
1080lit×20/lit =Rs.21, 600
21,600x10=Rs. 2,16,000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+1,500+1,500+52,500+2,100) =59,100
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.7,845: Rs.5,230) per month and ( Rs.94,140: Rs.62,760)

7) Mode of payment & Repayment?
We accepting Demand Draft, Bank transfer, Cheque and Cash
After investment we take maximum 7 days to buy livestock, and the closing date of monthly payment is 30th day of month, and the monthly income will be credited in 1st day of every month in investor account, if that day is govt. holiday next working day cash will be credited in account and first month payment would be delayed by 15 days as it involves purchasing of livestock and transportation, insurance etc needs to be taken care before production.

8) Could you attach a copy of the “government stamp paper agreement” between you and the investor?
Yes! You ask for the same if investing in our firm. We will send it across to mail id or corresponding address.

9) Can you provide 1 or 2 investor references who are already investing with you? i would like to know their experience as an investor.
Sorry, we can’t provide investors details

Above Rs. 1, 50,000/- 50:50 Deal
Minimum Investment -Rs. 40,000/- (1No’s + Insurance Charges)
Monthly Returns -Rs. 2,650/-
Yearly returns – Rs. 26,500
13th Month Refund -Rs. 66,500/- (including original investment – if not interested to continue further)

Hi, I'm also interested in this investment but could you clarify me why have you taken the selling price of Rs. 20/litre whereas, the market price is at least Rs. 30/litre. Is it 12 litres a day? but I've heard that they milk twice a day then it should be 24 litres a day then, correct me if I'm wrong.

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Hi Vimal,

Thanks for your mail.
Anwers or clarification to your questions. 1) The selling price is currently @ Rs. 20.50 after revised rate from KMF but the price given to milk producers less then what KMF sell to its customers (because it involves milk colletion point charge, processing charge, middle man charge etc) and 2) Yes! your right the cow is milked twice a day and it is 12 ltrs per day and in case we need more milk, we need to buy cows which yield more milk and may cost more Rs 70,000 (good and pure breeds) per cow.


Am interested in your venture.

Where is the location of your dairy farm? and how far from Mysore Jn or any other land mark in Bangalore.

Also mention, if i can do a site visit before the investment


Its near jigini, (exact location koppa village), from Madiwala through begur road, from bannergatta through anekal jigini road and from anekal it is anekal bannergatta road.

Stop near Harpnahalli signal and ask for koppa gate from koppa gate rama temple in koppa then call me (+919739109214) i wil guide you.


I want to start dairy farming , so need more detail. if i can visit and see any milk farming unit that will be helpful.
i can do investment also if already people and setup is ready.

Frequently asked questions from our investors

6) Can you show me the financials (monthly returns) for investing rs. 40,000, rs.80,000 and rs. 1,20,000 in this project also?

For Rs 40,000(1cow +insurance +transport)
1 cow ×12lit milk/day =12lit/day
12lit×30days =360lit/month
360lit×20/lit =Rs.7,200
7200x10=Rs.72, 000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+500+500+17500+700) =19,700
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.2,615: Rs.1,743) per month and ( Rs.31,380: Rs.20,920)
For Rs 1,20,000(3cow’s +insurance +transport)
3cows ×12lit milk/day =36lit/day
36lit×30days =1080lit/month
1080lit×20/lit =Rs.21, 600
21,600x10=Rs. 2,16,000
Less: expenses (water+electricity+doctor+feed+others) = (500+1,500+1,500+52,500+2,100) =59,100
60:40 (investor: dairy owner) = (Rs.7,845: Rs.5,230) per month and ( Rs.94,140: Rs.62,760)

1. You have considered only 10 months in your calculations. Is there a reason?
2. You do not seem to have factored in labour cost.
3. Have you considered biogas, organic manure etc as an additional revenue stream?

Hi Dinesh,
Are you still working on setting up the dairy farm? I'm interested, and like to know more info on your dairy farming.

Dear Dinesh,

I am interested to Join... Can you please let me know if the oppertunity to Investment is still available.

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

I am looking for genuine INVESTMENT partner or JOINT VENTURE .
I have FullyDairy farm at Shameerpet, RRdist,Hyderabad .Telangana Satate. India.
I have 2 Sheds with capacity of 100 Cows/Buffaloes, Storage Shed for Fodder etc can hold upto 4 lorry loads of Feed, Grass Chaffing Machine.AI Tanks Labour Qrts for 5 Couples, Office etc.
I have Long leesed 12.7 Acre Field with 4 Bore wells, Field with fully grown and established CO3 Grass, Miracle Grass and BHN10 Grass also.
Invest in our dairy,sheep and goat farms we want to extend our farms as well as to share profit to others (get back your capital amount in a couple of months with zero investment get your profit every month... to know full details regarding this investment).

Total investment :- 50,00,000/-Rs(It is two sahres one is myself and another is yours)

Bufflos :-50Nos (80000/-Rs- Each + or - 5000/-Rs)
Milk :- 600 Leters (12Each one Bufflo + or - 1 leter)
Per Leter(Per Day) :- 38Rs(600 leters*38Rs-22,800/-Rs + or - 1800/-Rs)
Per Day Incom :- 21,000/-Rs ( 30 Days 6,30,000/-Rs)
Per Month Incom :- 6,30,000/-Rs


Labour Payement :- 80,000/-Rs (per Month)
Feed :- 1,75,000 /-Rs(Per Month)
Maintenance :- 25,000/-Rs (Per Month)
Total :- 2,80,000/-Rs(Per Month)

Milk Incom Per Month :- 6,30,000/-Rs
Total Payements Monthly :- 2,80,000/-Rs
Balance :- 3,50,000/-Rs
Re Investment Monthly :- 2,50,000/-Rs(we buy a anmels 3 or 4 per month)
Our Incom up to 20 Months :- 1,00,000/-Rs(Sharing The income)


Re Investment Monthly :-2,50,000/-Rs (we buy a anmels 3 or 4 per month)up to 24months.
Our proprety(anmels)increased up to 70+anemels in 24 month after no forother investment. (70+50=120+ nos Anmels Value 75,00,000/-Rs + aprox)
Get back our capital amount from 24thmonth to 36th mounth (every month 3,50,000/-Rs 12months) ...
After geting tha captil with zero investment get your profit every month... (Amount and Anmels allso equle share). If you are interested please contact me.


VENKATA SATYANARAYANA RAO. 9985109500; 9492038500.
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