Question Investment require for plant tissue culture

Hello friends,i mant to known that how much investment require for start small level plant tissue culture lab?how much subsidy give by gover ment on plant tissue culture?


Where are you located??? You can approach the NAtional Horticulture Board for subsidy.

icated buildings make convenient low cost laboratories. They are readily available in many sizes in most parts of the country. Built-in-place frame buildings can also be used. Consideration should be given to the following:

1. Check with local authorities about zoning and building permits.
2. Locate the building away from sources of contamination such as a gravel driveway or parking lot, soil mixing area, shipping dock, pesticide storage, or dust and chemicals from fields.
3. A clear span building allows for a flexible arrangement of walls.
4. The floor should be concrete or capable of carrying 50 pounds per square foot.
5. Walls and ceiling should be insulated to at least R-15 and be covered inside with a water-resistant material.
6. Windows, if desired, may be placed wherever convenient in the media preparation and glassware washing rooms.
7. The heating system should be capable of maintaining a room temperature at 70 F in the coldest part of winter.
8. A minimum 3/4 in. water service is needed.
9. Connection to a septic system or sanitary sewer should be provided.
10. Air conditioning for summer cooling may be necessary.
11. Electric service capacity for equipment, lights and future expansion should be calculated. A minimum 100 amp service is recommended.

if two rooms of 10 sq.m. each are available, along with running water and electricity connection, the laboratory can be set up at hardware cost of only around Rs. 300,000.

Investment for Tissue culture lab

Dear Sir you may require to invest Rs.1500000 to start tissue culture lab with around 60000 plants production capacity per year.any clarification please call me back.



[.QUOTE=hiteshpatel891023;209943]Hello friends,i mant to known that how much investment require for start small level plant tissue culture lab?how much subsidy give by gover ment on plant tissue culture?[/QUOTE]
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Where are you located??? You can approach the NAtional Horticulture Board for subsidy.

icated buildings make convenient low cost laboratories. They are readily available in many sizes in most parts of the country. Built-in-place frame buildings can also be used. Consideration should be given to the following:

1. Check with local authorities about zoning and building permits.
2. Locate the building away from sources of contamination such as a gravel driveway or parking lot, soil mixing area, shipping dock, pesticide storage, or dust and chemicals from fields.
3. A clear span building allows for a flexible arrangement of walls.
4. The floor should be concrete or capable of carrying 50 pounds per square foot.
5. Walls and ceiling should be insulated to at least R-15 and be covered inside with a water-resistant material.
6. Windows, if desired, may be placed wherever convenient in the media preparation and glassware washing rooms.
7. The heating system should be capable of maintaining a room temperature at 70 F in the coldest part of winter.
8. A minimum 3/4 in. water service is needed.
9. Connection to a septic system or sanitary sewer should be provided.
10. Air conditioning for summer cooling may be necessary.
11. Electric service capacity for equipment, lights and future expansion should be calculated. A minimum 100 amp service is recommended.

if two rooms of 10 sq.m. each are available, along with running water and electricity connection, the laboratory can be set up at hardware cost of only around Rs. 300,000.
Dear Ashwin,
Can you send more detail for establishing tissue culture lab
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Dear Sri Hitesh Patel,

The floor requirement for establishment of tissue Culture lab will be minimum 5000 sq feet. The present day estimated cost will be around 90 -100 Lakhs ( approximately) for 1.25 millons capacity tissue culture plants per annum. The unit cosists of Tissue culture Laboratory including Green House , laboratory equipment, office, furniture, water supply system, training, consultancy etc and working capital requirement.

Depending up on the local demand for fruit crops, vegetables , ornamental plants forestry plants and other plants please take a decision for establishment of the unit. Please inquire with the National Horticulture Board as to whether any subsidy is available for this scheme.

Please contact us for project report.

G. Anandarao B.Sc(Ag)
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