Invest and earn 10-12% min every month



Dear friend,
i impressed by your post very much. please contact.

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give full proposal

Dear Sir/Mam

plz. give full proposal on my email id
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Dear Kiran

I agree what ideamic stated why dont you put details on forum and let all of us know what your project is.
10 to 12% is a good return but could be a scam too. I am not blaming you for anything, but let members come to know about all the details in open.

Iam Interested

Dear Mr.Kiran
Iam interested toinvest and earn pls send me the details of that


Dear all:

Please contact me if you wish to invest and earn 10-12% every month stable income with no marketing or selling. No deposits. No upfront. Genuine persons contact.


Dear all:

Please contact me if you wish to invest and earn 10-12% every month stable income with no marketing or selling. No deposits. No upfront. Genuine persons contact.

dear kiran
pl.send ur business plan at my mail id
I am much interested in ur plan
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