inverester wanted



to start polytechnic collage want investor or want investor for dairy bussiness in uttarpradesh 40% profit p.a. in dairy bussiness.interested party please pm
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we are interested in providinginvestment for polytechnic college..
please send your detailed project report ,procedural methods for getting the approval from the authorities
how much land requirement r what are the conditions we have to fullfil etc to ramakotis 2k9at the rate of gmail dot com r phone us to 09849749740
scientist venkat

Hello start dairy project in kanpur

I have prepare all the details starting cost .I need 10 to 15 lakhs plz mail me If you are interested .I am from uttarpradesh and want to start dairy project in uttarpradesh city:-kanpur huge profit earning sure.Long term partnership as well as I start fish farming business to very soon.
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I have prepare all the details starting cost .I need 10 to 15 lakhs plz mail me If you are interested .I am from uttarpradesh and want to start dairy project in uttarpradesh city:-kanpur huge profit earning sure.Long term partnership as well as I start fish farming business to very soon.

Please provide details
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