contract cultivation
Plant promoted for cultivation under buy back greement
Kalmeg-Andrographis paniculata (Tam– siriyanangai,Kan- Nilabevu, nelavemu)1.5 tons/acre in 4-10 months days. 30-40/kg (Cost of seed Rs 350/kg) june
Tulsi– Ocimum 2-3 tons /acre/year/ Rs 30/kg dried leaves(Cost of seed Rs100/kg) - Cultivation can be started now itself
(Tel: Kasi soppu, Tam-Manathakkali, makoy)– Solanum nigrum, 2-3 tons/acre in 0neyear Rs 20/kg(Cost of seed Rs 100/kg)- cultivation initiated now itself
Bhumi amla,( Tam-Kilanelli, Kan – Kiranelli, nelausiri) Phyllanthus amarus 1.5 – 2 tons Rs. 40 - 45/kg 120 days. (Cost of seed Rs 750/kg)- Cultivation can be initiated now.
Mucuna seeds- (Tam- Poonaikaali vidai, Kounc Beej,nasagunni Beej-Kan) 500-600kg /Acre in 6 months Price around 60.00(Cost of seed Rs 100/kg) july
Coleus forskohlii (Patanchur) – 500-600 kg per acre in 6 months Rs 100-150/Kg(Cost of Cuttings Rs 2000/acre) –july
Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) – 18 months, Yield - 2tons dried roots, profit 1.2 lakhs in 18 months, expenses 50,000/acre.
Salacia oblonga/ S. chinensis ( Ekanayakam, saptharangi, swarnamoola), woody cilmber – perennial crop, maintained and harvested after 2- 3 years, 4-5 ton /acre, Rs.80- 100/kg. planted along water canals, hedges, exclusive plantation also be maintained.