Interested in group buying of Agri Land in Konkan nr Pune/Mumbai



New Member

I'm a new user in this forum. I'm interested in buying agriculture land in Konkan. The idea is to develop the land, plant fruit bearing trees and build a house later on.

My budget is Rs.12 Lakhs. But I have some constraints :

1. The land should be near Pune & Mumbai and should be reachable in 2-2.5 hrs. Reason : The attraction to visit the farm would be less if I have to drive 4-5 hrs on the weekend to reach the farm.

2. The land should not cost a bomb. Rs. 3-4 lakh/acre would be ok for me.

Considering the above I have zeroed down on Mangaon as a suitable area.I have in prospect a 3 Acre land which I'm planning to buy.

I'm looking for like minded people who can combine with me and we can look for a bigger piece of land and make the deal sweeter.

Pl revert if you are interested.

yes i would be interested in buying in and around mangaon, pls contact me , at this price i can buy around min 10 acres.
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Please read message


One of my friends has same budget and constraints like you. But he has some different plans and lots of innovative ideas in farming like building small lake, bamboo house etc. He also would like to build house there and do self-sufficient farming. By nature, he is poet and of calm, quiet nature, an ideal neighbor.

I think you should at least explore possibility of partnering.

Please revert me back. My name is Balaji Desai. I live in Pune.

Agricultural land for sale in maharashtra

Hello Friends

We have agricultural land available from 1 lakhs onwards in sindudugra dt. What i recommend to you is to plant a cash crop like rubber so that you have a steady income for the next 25 years. 10 acre rubber should get you a minimum of 40 lakhs income every year from 6th year onwards. Till such time you should do intercrops like banana, drumsticks, pineapple. Income from this in the first 4 years will give back your investment in land and you enjoy profit of 40 lakhs every year for the next 25 years.... We help planting rubber, intercrops etc as well. Contact
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i have plenty of owned land developed already

i m raj kacheria from mumbai. i have my own 150 acres of land if there is a big group then i can sell them the land in parts and on parcel the land is good for cashew and mangoes, as main crops interedt parties can call me on 93222 11010 or

You have a great idea, I am also interested

You have a great idea, I am also interested, let me know how we can get in touch. I have similar requirement.
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about land


I'm a new user in this forum. I'm interested in buying agriculture land in Konkan. The idea is to develop the land, plant fruit bearing trees and build a house later on.

My budget is Rs.12 Lakhs. But I have some constraints :

1. The land should be near Pune & Mumbai and should be reachable in 2-2.5 hrs. Reason : The attraction to visit the farm would be less if I have to drive 4-5 hrs on the weekend to reach the farm.

2. The land should not cost a bomb. Rs. 3-4 lakh/acre would be ok for me.

Considering the above I have zeroed down on Mangaon as a suitable area.I have in prospect a 3 Acre land which I'm planning to buy.

I'm looking for like minded people who can combine with me and we can look for a bigger piece of land and make the deal sweeter.

Pl revert if you are interested.

hi sir, myself safalya thorat, B. Tech(Agril Engg.) i have also buy a land in pen 30 km from panvel, if you want to buy a land then reply me.

Dear Sir,we have a similar thread on the forum.Requirements similar to those of your's.Pls call me on to discuss the same.All the people that have shown interest can then be consulted.Thanks,
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You have a great idea, I am also interested, let me know how we can get in touch. I have similar requirement.

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Interested in group buying of Agri Land in Konkan nr Pune/Mumbai Reply to Thread

Hello Friends

We have agricultural land available from 1 lakhs onwards in sindudugra dt. What i recommend to you is to plant a cash crop like rubber so that you have a steady income for the next 25 years. 10 acre rubber should get you a minimum of 40 lakhs income every year from 6th year onwards. Till such time you should do intercrops like banana, drumsticks, pineapple. Income from this in the first 4 years will give back your investment in land and you enjoy profit of 40 lakhs every year for the next 25 years.... We help planting rubber, intercrops etc as well. Contact

plz provide land detailes, i am inst. how far it will be from pune.
Water / Road / land condition ?
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@gypsy23. I am broker having land proposals in raigad district mainly in mangaon, shriwardhan, talha, mahasla. Sir, the lands in mangaon are not that good for mango and cashew cultivation. If you are looking for good crop yeliding lands for mango and cashew, you should head 15-40 km further towards western region of Mhasla & Shriwardhan. These areas are much suitable for mango and cashew cultivation. The coastal stretch of konkan is much suitable for these fruits and other fruits. Moreover, the rates in the mangaon and adjoining areas of mangaon are higher which varies from 10 lakh-20 lakhs on NH17 and internal roads would be 6 lakh-10 lakh and acre for bigger lands. For small plots the rates would again vary. If you can increase the distance of 30 km from mangaon, then I have good proposals for you. You may contact me
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Dear All,
I am woking profession from Mumbai and willing to buy land in the Konkan area. with the information and data collected so far it is clear that Smaller sizes of land are highly expensive and make the agri project unviable. Bigger sizes of the lands are comparatively cheaper per acre basis but requires huge initial investments.
So if you are among the group of enthusiastic agriculture land buyrer then we can think of purchasing the land in large parcel which will be cheaper. A group a serious buyer can buy the land in bulk. I am interested in 20-25 ares of land for planatation purpose.
If anybody is interested to form such group kindly contact and lets come together with common objevtives. Bigger the group we can save substatially on cost. I am looking for professionals working in Mumbai Pune etc. to join and form a group. i do have information and trends of the prices in this area since I am searching for suitable land for more than two years.
with best regards,

J N Dixit

hii , Amit frm Dapoli - Ratnagiri , hav land in Khed , stepwise table , rd touch , agriculture land (just 6 km away frm NH 17)
Rate - Rs. 2 lac per acres
