I am from Chittor District, Andhra Pradesh. I have graduated from Bangalore University, in 2006, worked for 4 years in Infosys & Viteos Capital Market Services Ltd. Currently; I am doing one year MBA in HYD from one of the premier Business School.
Couple of my friends (from IIT) & myself, decided to start commercial goat farming. Below are the list of fact set what we have with our team & what we are looking for?
What is that we have?
- Land & with water
- Education - to make the company to big, have short term & long term goals.
- Strategies
-Basic ground work & clear cut idea on future projects
What we are looking for?
- Investors - either for equity share in our company or debt basis for interest
- Consultants who can help us in getting loan from bank.
We are looking forward for your guidance, help & assistance.