Interest free loan available


No I am not giving away any loan.

Just want to know how many people will be interested to have interest free loan if an option is available.

Interest free banking

Noted your contents.
Need to know some of the phone nos ,addresses and emails, if any with you, that of Islamic banking institutions in Kerala for my knowledge and communication with them.
Please do the need full will be obliged.
Do reply. Contact
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Active Member
I am interested in interest free loan. Interest free loan means not that it comes free. may be sharing of profit.

The taking of interest is inimical to a stable economy
Interest causes unemployment, inflation, and environmental destruction
Interest moves money from the poor to the rich
Interest favours projects which tend to yield high profits in the short-term


Interest free laon ??

Please send me the details as We need such loans for our Biotechnological Agriculture proposals in Kolkata ,india .You may contact us

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New Member
I am from Chittor District, Andhra Pradesh. I have graduated from Bangalore University, in 2006, worked for 4 years in Infosys & Viteos Capital Market Services Ltd. Currently; I am doing one year MBA in HYD from one of the premier Business School.

Couple of my friends (from IIT) & myself, decided to start commercial goat farming. Below are the list of fact set what we have with our team & what we are looking for?

What is that we have?
- Land & with water
- Education - to make the company to big, have short term & long term goals.
- Strategies
-Basic ground work & clear cut idea on future projects

What we are looking for?
- Investors - either for equity share in our company or debt basis for interest
- Consultants who can help us in getting loan from bank.

We are looking forward for your guidance, help & assistance.

