Integrated project of Buffalo farming report request



New Member
Integrated project of Buffalo farming -project report request and other detail request
Please advise and support with the information which will help me in big way.
1. Buffalo Dairy: 50 to start with and 50 to be brought before 6 months to keep the income flow running.
2. Poultry farm of 10,000 Hen capacities.
3. A fishing farm. (What should be the size of the fishing tank to use the waste of poultry firm?)
Buffalo Dairy:
A) Buffalo shade design: I have seen few of the design some with head to head and some are just opposite and some are back to back. Please advise which is the most technically useful. Please consider 100 buffalo starting and future expansion
B) Shade size and flooring: what should be the size.For flooring what to do. Like making floor with bricks and cement on the top or concrete.
C) Shade: I am thinking to make the shade on pipe structure and asbestos as the roofing. Four side open for ventilation.
D) Waste use: Need to plan bio gas plant and sock pit. This can be used as fertilizer for our own agricultural project.
E) Land is of 6 acre: need to plan the distribution. After deciding the shed and warehouse+ office rest of the land for feed cultivation + bathing water tank for buffalo + Poultry and Fishing tank.
F) Feeds: What are crops we can cultivate in our land which will be used for feeding our buffalo. Please advise the name of the crops and quantity for 100 buffalos.
G) Machinery:
a. Feed Grinding Machine: Size and price and specification required.
b. Bulk milk cooler: As per NABARD 2000ltrs will cost around 7 lacs including installation, is it useful for such Dairy of my plan? Also consider I can collect the milk produced in that area by the small farmers.
c. Milk Fat testing/Milk Analyzer , if it is required and what will be the cost. Consider quality is important.
d. Cream Separator: I think this will give us extra benefits as we can make extra money out of it. But please advise if I use the Cream Separator and take out the cream, if the milk sold at the same price, if not same price still marginal benefits are there?
e. Butter Churner: If I buy cream separator I think this is also required and at what cost?
f. Gas stove heating butter and make ghee.
g. Ghee Clarifier required if the process starts.
I need to know the costs of all those and usefulness of the same.
Poultry farm:
A) Size of the shade for 10,000 hens.
B) I am only interested in eggs/laying not hatching.
C) What is the cage size for 10,000 hens? Do I need to make another two cages for chicks and grower? Or beginning I can manage and later before introducing 10,000 of 2nd purchase we can buy the extra cage and use.
D) Prices of cages and feeding and drinking tray.
E) Feeds of Hens. What are the names and if you have the chart of the same and costs.
F) What is the best breed in terms of max numbers of eggs I can get in a year? Accordingly I will buy.
Fishing Farm:
A) What should be the size of the tank I should make based on waste of poultry firm. Length x Width x depth.
B) What is the breed I should produce to maximize the production and also consider the salability in Maharashtra market?
C) From where I should buy that specific breed and cost and quantity.
D) Do I need different tank for small, medium grown and Large? If so that will be a problem as my land it not very big.


milk bussains

hello, this is asif ,i have 1 acre land with water i want to be start a milk bussains so plz tell me the information of this bussains starting 20 cattles so howmany money i need to start


Integrated project of Buffalo farming -project report request and other detail request
Please advise and support with the information which will help me in big way.
1. Buffalo Dairy: 50 to start with and 50 to be brought before 6 months to keep the income flow running.
2. Poultry farm of 10,000 Hen capacities.
3. A fishing farm. (What should be the size of the fishing tank to use the waste of poultry firm?)
Buffalo Dairy:
A) Buffalo shade design: I have seen few of the design some with head to head and some are just opposite and some are back to back. Please advise which is the most technically useful. Please consider 100 buffalo starting and future expansion
B) Shade size and flooring: what should be the size.For flooring what to do. Like making floor with bricks and cement on the top or concrete.
C) Shade: I am thinking to make the shade on pipe structure and asbestos as the roofing. Four side open for ventilation.
D) Waste use: Need to plan bio gas plant and sock pit. This can be used as fertilizer for our own agricultural project.
E) Land is of 6 acre: need to plan the distribution. After deciding the shed and warehouse+ office rest of the land for feed cultivation + bathing water tank for buffalo + Poultry and Fishing tank.
F) Feeds: What are crops we can cultivate in our land which will be used for feeding our buffalo. Please advise the name of the crops and quantity for 100 buffalos.
G) Machinery:
a. Feed Grinding Machine: Size and price and specification required.
b. Bulk milk cooler: As per NABARD 2000ltrs will cost around 7 lacs including installation, is it useful for such Dairy of my plan? Also consider I can collect the milk produced in that area by the small farmers.
c. Milk Fat testing/Milk Analyzer , if it is required and what will be the cost. Consider quality is important.
d. Cream Separator: I think this will give us extra benefits as we can make extra money out of it. But please advise if I use the Cream Separator and take out the cream, if the milk sold at the same price, if not same price still marginal benefits are there?
e. Butter Churner: If I buy cream separator I think this is also required and at what cost?
f. Gas stove heating butter and make ghee.
g. Ghee Clarifier required if the process starts.
I need to know the costs of all those and usefulness of the same.
Poultry farm:
A) Size of the shade for 10,000 hens.
B) I am only interested in eggs/laying not hatching.
C) What is the cage size for 10,000 hens? Do I need to make another two cages for chicks and grower? Or beginning I can manage and later before introducing 10,000 of 2nd purchase we can buy the extra cage and use.
D) Prices of cages and feeding and drinking tray.
E) Feeds of Hens. What are the names and if you have the chart of the same and costs.
F) What is the best breed in terms of max numbers of eggs I can get in a year? Accordingly I will buy.
Fishing Farm:
A) What should be the size of the tank I should make based on waste of poultry firm. Length x Width x depth.
B) What is the breed I should produce to maximize the production and also consider the salability in Maharashtra market?
C) From where I should buy that specific breed and cost and quantity.
D) Do I need different tank for small, medium grown and Large? If so that will be a problem as my land it not very big.

Which project do you want to start. You say your land is not so big. Start with any one project first i.e. 10 bufallo of 5000 birds poultry.

All other details will be available in Detailed techno economic project reports. for details mail me
Arun Naiktamanvar
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