Information on Solar water pumping


I have been exploring solution for electricity problem at my farm in Madhya Pradesh. Electricity is intermittent and sometimes come at very odd hours.
Solar looks promising but discouragingly costly to me.

Basicly a simple solar water pumping solution has the following mentione components.

1. A DC water pump
2. Solar panels (power based on pump capacity- around 1 kwp for 1 hp pump, 2 kwp for 2 hp pump and so on)
3. A charge controller ( so that any voltage surge does not burn water pump and water is received with constant flow)
4. batteries (optional if you want to run pump only during sun shine time)
5. Pipings

After doing a lot of searching on eBay, alibaba and other online shopping sites, I found that there are lot of DC pumps available outside India at reasonable price. These DC pumps run directly from solar panels and you can avoid expenses on batteries. Although power for these reasonably priced (between 30k INR to 45k INR) pumps is less (1 hp or 2 hp), they can run continuous and with variable speed as long as sun is shining.

Net net, these 6-7 hours slow but continous running pumps are good buy over AC/Diesel powered 5 hp pumps running for 3-4 hours in a day.

I am not a promoter for any company; however, I could find only one company in Pune which supplies these pumps at reasonable price :: Tachometric Control ::.
When I enquired they offered around 35k for 1 hp and around 50 k for 2 hp DC pumps. The company supplies only pumps and solar panels and other related items, we need to find someone else. The so called Solar water pumping solution provider first of all do not give complete component wise price break up of solution and wherever they give, the pumps are priced at more than 1 lk for 1 hp and 2 lk for 2 hp.

I checked with few US companies and Chinese companies and DC pumps are priced in same range as Tachomatric providing. US and Chinese pumps are slightly cheaper, however, then you have to look for importing them and it would be difficult to find local technical support.

Electricity problem at my farm has pushed me to look for alterlative solutions. Let me try
to share my knowledge gained during this search. Please feel free to ask any other questions related to solar water pump or solar panels and I will try to answer them.

Thanks and regards,
Manish Khkare

I'm also facing same issue, I'd be interested in exploring other cost effective options. Thanks for the info provided.

Dear Mr Manish,,

Thanks for the information on DC pumps.

Here in local markets solar panels are expensive and cost around 65 Rs per watt.

As the pump with 2hp may not be sufficient for drawing water from depths, say more than 300 feet, i think the ideal pump should be 5 hp with 7 stage or 10 stage motor.

If you find any one selling pumps for more than 360 feet depth, please let me know.

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thanku so much for ur info
sir you dealing that solar pumps or doing distribution now in india thru urs
am also intrst thats like non treditional products please give me some info


urs rajsekar
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:: Tachometric Control :: is pune based company who is supplying these pumps allover India. You can get in touch with them.
I have also explored another company from US SAW Technology - Selling Wind Turbines and Solar Energy Systems who are supplying submersible solar pumps with varying capacity. However, you then have to import these pumps.

1-2 hp Submersible pumps can be used to draw water from depth of more than 400 feet. You please check with these suppliers for solution as I have seen such things with them.

I am in process of assembling solar panels myself from broken solar cells for my farm that may cost around 40 rs/watt. These broken cells are rejects from solar panel assembly line and come cheaper than new cells. However, their performance is not affect, except its proportionately reduced. For example, if a cells is 3/4 of original cell of 4 watt, it's wattage will be 3. These cells may not give clean look but will definitely give clean energy. Also, as I have not tested them for long, these panels may not last for 25 years, as expected from commercial panels, but even if they last for 5 years, I would recover my money. Who knows what technology advancement will take place in next 5 years. Solar cells prices have gone down by more than 50 % in last 2 years so after 5 years, I may get commercial panels at 30-40 rs/watt then I do not see any point of paying them hefty money now.

I shall keep you people posted on development from my side.

Let me know should you need any other information in this regard.

Thanks and regard,
Manish Khare
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Hi Manish,

I have been following this thread. I appreciate you for sharing the knowledge. Hope we will get some more information which will help the farmers to harvest the solar energy at affordable rates. I have enquired with multiple vendors and due to heavy prices they are quoting, I have had dropped the idea of using solar energy. Now I am again rethinking of adotping it.


Dear Friends,

For those who are looking for deep borewell pump, I found another company in India which supplies various surface and submersible solar pumps.

Solar Pump System PSk | India

Currently, I am exploring on assembling my own panels from broken/visually defected solar cells. I am able to assemble cells and now the key challenge is to laminate and frame them in right material. Once this is successfully done, I shall share the final system information with you all.

Thanks and regards,
Manish Khare

Solar Power

I am having 5.0 AC of land in East Godavary Dt of AP.Palm oil i being cultivated and the Bore well is fitted with 25 HP motor.We want to set up
a mini Dairy in the farm.Due to odd time power suply,we plan to go for solar
Power support for our 25 HP pump set and Dairy.

Please offer your suggestion on solar Power panels required for such 25 Hp


Hi Manish,
Keep up the good work! In fact I am also doing the same research for about 2 weeks from now.
Theoritically I have planned the following in a phased manner (cautious approach):
1. Go for 2 H.P. D.C. submersible pumps for new bore-wells which I am planning to dig shortly. Need to find out if subsidy can be availed by installing D.C. submersible.(no solar panels as of now.)
Run this pumps with single-phase A.C as of now by using A.C to D.C convertor (or Rectifier)
Budget: 50K for each D.C. pump.
2. Experiment with low-cost Wind Mills for generation of D.C. power. If successful, run the submersible pumps using the Wind-Mill during power-cuts (day & night).
Budget around 40K.
3. Assemble/Buy one solar panel set and install it in a move-able trolley. This can be shared between all the other pump-sets.
Budget around 1 lakh.

This is in my mind right now and I am not sure if this will be financially feasible to others who have already invested in 3-phase A.C. submersible pumps.
Pls. point out any issues/flaw in my plan before I go for this.
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For cyborg_jp :
I think we are taking similar path. I have plans to deploy home made windmill in next 3-4 months.
1: Your plan is excellent except the under estimation of price for submersible pumps. In my knowledge, 2 hp DC submersible pumps will cost more than 1 lk in India. 2 hp DC surface pumps can however be bought below 50k. I am not aware of any subsidy on pump alone. Here I find our govt schemes also faulty. They rely too much on concentration of knowledge and give subsidy only on MNRE approved vendors' complete solar system. They should infact decentralize the subsidy and give component wise subsidy wherein a user can avail subsidy directly on purchasing of panels, pumps etc. Anyway, we have to find solutions despite all these things.

3: I bought 200 watt panels and have deployed them at my home. It's always good to start small and then move slowly. After running them for 4 months, experimenting with various combinations and learning from mistakes, I ventured into panel assembly. I trust you also are taking care of these things and would not directly jump into panel production. Also, it's very difficult to get solar cells at reasonable price in India as most of the panel manufactures are also importing these cells from outside. First, they do not sell cells in small quantity; second they quote discouragingly higher price for these cells and you see more sense in buying readymade panels than assembling panels with this price of cells.
movable trolley is a good idea; but to run a reasonably powerful pump in farm, you would need a huge trolley.

Here is my estimate for my farm (not yet deployed however and am trying to minimize the cost at each level):

1. A DC water pump - submersible - more than 50-60 k /hp, surface - around 35 k/hp
2. Solar panels (power based on pump capacity- around 1 kwp for 1 hp pump, 2 kwp for 2 hp pump and so on) - around 65 k / kw.
3. A charge controller ( so that any voltage surge does not burn water pump and water is received with constant flow) - around 10 k for 1 kw range
4. batteries (optional if you want to run pump only during sun shine time) - depends, you can also go for direct running by deploying a deviece called LCB (Linear Current Booster) which is like voltage regulator we used to use with our TV sets in childhood. :) will cost around 5-6k for 1 kw range. LCB adds extra 30-45 minutes in morning and evening each to your pump running time by exchanging voltage for current. This is worth investing device in non-battery environment.
5. Pipings - varies
6. Mounting system - depends

When I ask solar pump solution provider, they say around 3-4 lk for 1 hp system. Even if I add up all cost here, still it does not go to 4 lk. If you know how to assemble the system, take help of an expert electrician, and spend some time in purchasing individual items from different parties, you would still be better off then buying these so-called pumping solution including govt subsidy. Sometime we are told about post installation service as an excuse for this higher cost. We know farms are located at remote places and it's always good to learn and provide first hand help yourself as no supplier will be available onsite alltime. When you have to learn first hand support even after buying it from a solution provider, it's better you learn it upfront and assemble the system yourself. These are my thoughts; we know poor state of our farmers and we know they can not afford to acquire all this knowledge, however basic it may be. It's better we disseminate this information and make at least educated people entering agri field aware. Its now up to their conscience to extend help to other poor farmers and benifit as whole.

I am trying to reduce cost at panel which around 50-60% of total system cost. Also, mounting I am planning to do on my servent quarters roof located in farm. I am also planning to do away with batteries by installing LCB.

Thanks and regards,
Manish Khare
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assembling solar panels


Here is a website which talks about assembling solar panels


Hi Manish,
As you rightly pointed out, the major hindrance of renewable energy source is high cost.
For a 2 HP solar pump system I was quoted Rs 3.37 lakhs including installation. (10 solar panel of 200W each, 2 H.P. D.C. submersible pump)
In some states agriculture power is free, some people are exploiting this and depleting the water table as well as the tax payers hard earned money.
Cost of this system must come down to Rs. 1 lakh odd, by increasing subsidy to 60%, making it attractive to farmers. Now farmers are facing problem of power cuts, so they are going for more bore wells and pumping and storing water in tanks during the 6-7 hours power availability per day.
Building our solar panels is surely a step in the right direction for reducing cost of solar panels. I wonder why the D.C. motors are so expensive though. Can some one help on the availability of low cost D.C. motors in India?

Ekta culture cultivation pvt ltd

Dear Mr. Manish,
You are really meeting the power challange in the right way.
I also prefer solar energy.
I am also in the field of farming...........just entered......
and within a short span of span i hope i will be fully engaged with farming.
I wanted to talk/meet with you.
if possible can you pls froward me ur mobile number.

but i am currently in UAE and will be returning back on 3rd Nov.
If you want to contact you can call me after this date.
Thanks and regards.
devendra Kumar.
Dear Friends,

For those who are looking for deep borewell pump, I found another company in India which supplies various surface and submersible solar pumps.

Solar Pump System PSk | India

Currently, I am exploring on assembling my own panels from broken/visually defected solar cells. I am able to assemble cells and now the key challenge is to laminate and frame them in right material. Once this is successfully done, I shall share the final system information with you all.

Thanks and regards,
Manish Khare
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information about solar water pump.

Hi Manish,

I read your posting and thanks for sharing info about Solar water pump. What is current status? Can you share your experience after installing everything?

I have 500 feet borewell and planning to install solar submersible pump. What would we water output (lpr) if 2 HP used at 500 feet? What is cost of 2 HP DC motor? Is 5 HP DC motor available? what would be cost of 5 HP DC motor? Who is good source in India?

I presume that 1 need 1 KW solar panel/HP? What is solar panel cost in India? who is good supplier?


Dear manish,
KUDOS! great work and thank you for setting this revolution rolling .Pl keep us posted. We hope you will complete the panels soon.Any help on the issue is solicited!

hi Manish,

May be I am responding too late for your postings,

Do you still suggest the same as in previous postings,

any updates as I am looking for a solar pump for my 500 feet bore well

I can contact with you if you respond with your ph# or email

