Question Information on cultivation of black turmeric.



New Member
i would like to know about the detail information on cultivation of balck turmeric.
i am farmer from maharashtra.
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The cultivation and harvest practices are similar to that of common Turmeric which is used in recipes. In the fields, the rhizomes are washed thoroughly and are placed in a wide mouthed couldron. The water is poured in the couldron such that the rhizomes are completely sunk. The couldron is covered with a lid, and the rhizomes are boiled for about 30 minutes until foam oozes out with strong odour. The rhizomes are taken out whilst the water is reduced to one-third of its content and when they turn soft with their inner portion decolorized from blue to dark or pale brown. The rhizomes are then dried in hot sun for 10 to 15 days until they are hardenend. These dried rhizomes are then packed for marketing.

Black Turmeric (Curcuma caesia) is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizome, native to North-East and Central India. Black Turmeric is also sparsely found in Papi Hills of East Godavari, West Godavari, and Khammam Districts of Andhra Pradesh. The rhizomes of Black Turmeric have a high economical importance owing to its putative medicinal properties. Presently Black Turmeric is on the verge of extinction due to unfavorable climatic changes, deforestration, soil erosion and bio-piracy.


Dear Ashwini:

Why is black turmeric near extinction? Is it not possible to cultivate under conditions suitable for ordinary turmeric?
What is the demand for this item - is it easily saleable?
What is the economics of this variety as compared to normal "haldi"?


PS - there are so many threads on turmeric related matters that I am not able to keep track! I have got to them by gettingto the link thru the newsletter but do not know how to get back to them - I have posted quick replies with queries to some.
Can all these separate links be consolidted - how do I locate them individually?
I am interested in learning as much as possible about turmeric cultivation!
Thanks once again.

