Improving organic content in the soil



We have recently acquired an agricultural land. Amla was being cultivated in this land previously. The Amla plants were not maintained over the last 10 years and the plants did not bear any fruits too. We have cut down the Amla plants to cultivate more profitable medicinal plants & vegetables.

Given that the land has not been maintained over the last 10 years [no nutrients, water & fertilizers], Is it a good idea to directly commence cultivation of medicinal plants & vegetables, or should we improve the soil & soil conditions for a season ahead of commencement of cultivation of medicinal plants & vegetables.

We have received suggestions varying from cultivation of Sunhemp to improve organic content of the soil to cultivation of pulses, groundnuts & corn to improve the soil ahead of planting of medicinal plants & vegetables.

I would like views from experts from the forum if we should focus on improvement of the soil ahead planting of medicinal plants & vegetables, If yes, should be cultivate only Sunhemp or should we cultivate some revenue yielding crops 1st up that includes pulses, groundnuts & corn

I shall appreciate hearing back from experts on the above query




Established Member
Enriching soil

Weeds problem will be more alarming than the issue of soil fertility.Once it is not cultivated for 8-01 yrs soil do not seem to be exhausted, rather all kinds of weed species have made a good seed bank.
Whoso ever has suggested sunhemp cultivation is definitely good idea. It will take care of both of fertility and weeds. After the sunhemp is ploughed down, repeated harrowing will help in managing perennial weeds, particularly when soil is dry and temp. is high.


sir, soil will rejuvenate by itself if you left it alone. so it should be more fertile than a cultivated land. defenitely it will yield more. dont worry about weeds.
