I want to start a dairy farm in Panchkula distt in with 30-40 good quality buffaloes


rohit singla

New Member
Pls. advise me for the above stated project as :-
1) I want optimum utilistaion of technology for the above no. of good breed buffaloes. What all should be automated?? and the budget for that.
2) source of high quality buffaloes and their approx cost.
3) How much land will be sufficient to start with 40 nos. and ramp up upto 200 nos. progressively.

Thank you
Rohit Singla

Hi Rohit,

For 50 animals there is a limited automization you can adopt. I would suggest not to go for too much mechanization initially. Once you are well verse with the business then you can consider doing so.

Good quality animals would cost you areounf 70,000 though each animal is unique in its own way

For housing, 1.5 - 2 acre is good enough for 200 animals also.

You might also consider loose housing systems, as that saves lot of cost and effort.

If you require further assistance , do get back to me at herambgupte@gmail.com or 09820593918


Heramb Gupte
