I want land for goat farm near thane


Dear Goat Promoter ,
We can cooperate and Coordinate your Goatry Project Land from Kalyan / Shahpur / Khardi / Badlapur as per actual costs per Acre approx. 6 - 8 lacs.. Secondly we will provide complete A - Z Turnkey consultancy for ur Goatry project from land survey , construction n design , materials and Goat procurement with materials management , breeding / nutrition / health care & treatment / market infrastructure development .. Plz contact me through PM with complete communication details... Send ur details by Pvt. Message....

Land for Sale in Maharashtra ,
Agriculture land like Kerala :Konkan area, Rich in Rain,Suitable for any Plantation, Farming,Agriculture,residential.

Place/city:Kondge village,Lanja Taluka, Ratnagiri District.Maharashtra. 15 km to VILVADE Railway Station,21 km to NH-47 (Ernakulam-Mumbai),65 km to Kohlapure Airport

Expected Price: One lakh Per acre.

Contact Information
Jerry Joseph.
Maharashtra, India.
Phone: 09420281390,08275379931
Mobile: 09420281390,08275379931
Email: jerrymaharashtra@gmail.com
