Question I need dairy farm informations

Hi All,

Please answer on these following questions mentions below

I am Prabhu from bagalkot district karantaka i want to start dairy farm with 20 animals initially if i completely satisfied in dairy farm with 20 animals .In future i increase 100 -300 animal within couples of years

I need the following information

We have currently 20 acre of land with complete irrigation facility in Bagalkot district Jamakhandi taluk Karntaka state

How much land is required for 100 animals?

How to manage fodder production at our own dairy farm?

How to cultivate 'AZOLA'in our dairy farm for our cows and buffaloes
Is it good for milking animals ?

Is there any ways to reduce green fodder without affecting our milk production by our cow and buffaloes?

How to start to production of our own concentration to our cows or buffaloes?.ie dry food with good nutrient s ,protience ,minerals calcium .what is required for our cow or buffaloes to increase milk production ?

How much cost of investment we required for initial for 20 animals?
We to start bio gas production by our own?

We require to sell bio gas to customers who are require?How to start it as commercial ?How to get license for bio gas selling?

Whom should we contact ?

we don't want to go for small small thighs to doctor i need to take training on first aid in veterinary for our cows and buffaloes.How to get training on this issue.?How to start veterinary facility in our own dairy farm how to keep tablets and medicines others instruments in good condition ?

How to do waste management with effectively use in organic farming and how to convert vermicompost is there any we can add to get better result on various crops?

How to get ISO certified for our bio gas and vermicompost to sell outside?

Whom should we contact?for to get license for selling vermicompost and bio gas?

We need bio gas power plant for our domestic use .How to do this also?Is it enough for our dairy farm and our house use with 100 animals?

What is cost for installation for bio gas power plant?Can we sell it for outside customer for domestic use?

How to create market for this products?ie vermicompast and bio gas

How to create market for our liquid milk?

and we start our own byproducts also in future like ghee,curd,cheese,How to start this and all?Who should we contact for dairy technician to process?

How much cost per liter in karnataka currently?On which bases milk price is determined ?

How should we improve our per liter selling price?

where should i sell our milk ?

Is it fine to sell milk to co-op or hotels or individual customer?Which mode is good ?

If i want to start to sell milk in packets in our own ,how much cost will required for this technology?

What and all technology used in dairy farming to keep dairy farm in sustainable for long periods?

How to manage heifers ?

Which kind of shed we can used for our cows?or heifers ?

Which kind of shed we can construct for buffalo?

What kind of software we can use for our dairy farm to improve our dairy farm?

Is there any ERP software we can use for dairy farm?

How should we manage labors? How many labors are required for initially?My question is i want to reduce labor cost,its mean i want complete automated dairy farm?because labor problems in our place.

Every year i want to add 5 cow or buffalo to my dairy farm .How to manage our day to day activity in dairy farm in effective way?

How to get required loan from Bank?

What are requirements to get sanction of loan from nationalized bank?

Is there any subsidy for farmer from NABARD?how much subsidy we will get from NABARD or nationalized bank?

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kirti s

Well-Known Member
dairy farming

Dear sir,
Yr question got most of the ans as NABARD provide the subsidy for that u will have to submit a project, One hactare can manage around 20 cows it may cost around 5 to 7 lakhs depends on infrastructure availability and varies with place to place.
Dharwad university has developed a Jawar varity for fodder SAS 1 for seeds visit KVK at bagalkot near guest house, u can produce yr fodder in yr land it self.

AZOLA. very promising feed and improves the lactose content (Deggre) problem wont be there so u can sell yr milk in dairy at higesr price it also provide nutrition to yr cow.

Establishment of azola.
Prepare a tank around 2 to 2.5 feet depth and convienient width care should be taken that u can hearvest the azola very easily even at low cost by putting polyethylene sheet for dugged pit just 5 to 10 gm culture is enough for intiail later it will develop in 10 to 15 days.

u can manage 100 cows in 20 ac land.

Equipment required

1.Milking mashine depending on no of cows.
3.washing equipments.
4.near Kollapur (MH) have given audio facility for each cow so visit some farmers who are already into business.
5.transportation facility.
6.for training on disease and all it is experiens u take a training for how maintain cows thats enugh then u can enagge some doctore as a counsultant for further details visit Agriclture Research Station,Arabhavi gokak and also vetenery university for preparation of bankable projects pls contact Nataraj S.K


Kirti s


New Member
Dear Sir,
U may visit the website Oxygen Acres Simply Natural. I'm sure you will appreciate the efforts of the promoters there. You may also get answers to most of your queiries.
Please contact..
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Active Member
Try out for a Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD guidelines which can be customized as per your needs
Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
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Dear Sirs,

I have a big enquiry. Pls quote the FOB tomorrow ASAP.
Q-ty of each item is 10 000 pcs.
Please complete the form form in our website to view samples and specifications of our requirements on our

I need the estimated FOB price incl export packing details (weight

and measurements of the export carton)
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I feel really proud of you, for this startup work of dairy farming with 20 cows. My hearty wishes for your mission, in the expansion of the farming. Let me answer your questions one by one.

1. Approximately 25 cows can be accommodated in 3 acres. So for 100 cows, it will take around 12 acres.


Age (months) Approximate body weight (kg) Concentrate mixture (kg) Grass (kg)
6-9 70-100 1.5-1.75 5-10
9-15 100-150 1.75-2.25 10-15
15-20 150-200 2.25-2.50 15-20
Above 20 200-300 2.50-2.75 15-20
3.The biochemical constitution along with the rapid multiplication rate makes Azolla ideal organic feed substitutes for livestock. They can easily digest the floating fern on the water due to high protein content and low lignin content. Experience of farmers suggested that cows and buffaloes which consume Azolla recorded an increase of milk production by 15-20 percent

4. It is also always good to feed the cows and buffaloes with green fodder and only the milk production will increase. But you can use these alternatives in the provided quantity to maintain the milk production.

Feed name Energy (ME in Mcal) TDN (kg)
Alfalfa hay 2.36 0.63 200
Napier grass 2 0.55 87
Rape fresh 3.16 0.81 164
Oats 2.73 0.6 140
Sorghum fresh 2.36 0.63 88
Sorghum silage 2.14 0.58 62
Maize silage 2.67 0.7 81
Wheat straw 1.51 0.44 0
Rape seed 2.93 0.76 390
Cotton seed cake2.71 0.71 448
Wheat bran 2.67 0.7 171
Molasses 2.67 0.7 103
Urea 0 0 281

5.To increase milk production in your own concentration The above mentioned feed list with green grass will obviously increase the production. Time must be calculated for each time the feed is given.

6.Approximately calculating each cow of 15,000,a total of 20 cows will come around Rs.3,00,000.

7.Biogas production is best at the same 25:1::C:N ratio as aerobic composting. The reason cattle manure is far and away the most common feedstock for biogas is cattle manure is naturally the perfect 25:1 carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Cattle manure makes an excellent feedstock to begin experimenting with biogas with.

8. The exact makeup of biogas depends on what you feed to the digester. The main ingredient of biogas is methane.

9. National Biogas and Manure Management Programme is a Central Sector Scheme, which provides for setting up of Family Type Biogas Plants mainly for rural and semi-urban/households.

10. By having a quick read about veterinary services and about the medicines. You can just collect them from a veterinary doctor and make confirmation for that.

11. You can just create a pit to store all the wastes so that it will automatically get developed into manure.

12. By registering yourself with Government scheme of Biogas (energy department), you can get the certification.

13. Permission is longer needed for selling the vermicompost, as most of the farmers are doing it now.

14.It is more than enough to serve your household purposes via this bio gas power plant.

15. A normal domestic plant for family members 4–5, biogas plant of 1 cum is sufficient which cost to around 15000–29000 INR.

16.Just by circling the information among your people and by advertising in the internet, you can show your presence of vermicompost available with you.

17. Once you start selling in the local market atuomatically you can create a market is known for your quality milk. Certainly, the same way, its by-products will also gain the market soon.

18. Rs.23 per liter will serve the need and if the price kept remains the same for 3-4 months, there will be a standard of price. Then you can increase it by each rs.1 or rs.2, changing 3 or 4 times a year.

19. Local market and the people nearby your will sure get your milk, as the need for the milk is keep on increasing in this adulteration world.

20. Individual customer will get a daily gain of income, whereas Co-operative societies and hotels will get you bulk income. According to me, engaging in both will get you a good income.

21. Automatic Milk Pouch Packing Machine, Capacity: 2000-3000 pouch per hour. It will cost around 2.7 lakh.

22. For dairy farmers, this means making cows’ lives easier, too. Tons of farms are turning to revolutionary new gadgets and devices to help boost milk production and monitor their herds.

23. A good heifer management program is an essential component in overall reproductive management and ensuring the performance of the breeding herd. Good heifer management achieves early puberty, higher weaning rates, low mortalities and early identification of females for the turnoff. The objective is for only efficient breeders entering the main cow herd at 3.5 years of age.

24. Single row cow shed should have a length of 3. 80 to 4.25 meters and
Double row cow shed should have 7. 90 to 8.70 meters long.

25. Single row cow shed should have length of 3. 80 to 4.25 meters and
Double row cow shed should have 7. 90 to 8.70 meters length.
The standard length of the building may be of any. It may vary depends upon the number of the animals housed.
Length can be determined based on the total stock to be housed within the building.
Example: In case of dairy 15-20 animals in single row system and 20-50 animals in double row system and above 50 animals a separate shed should be provided.

26. Let me suggest you software suitable for dairy farming.
1. Sahiwala Dairy Milk Management Software
2. Goodbox - Readymade Apps Software

27. Until now I have not come across any ERP software so far, that works effectively. I am waiting for the best one

28. For 25 cows 5 labors will be needed. Likewise, you can manage with your herd. Continuous monitoring of cows is much needed.

29. Milk production records, health records and, feeding records should be maintained properly to have a better farming practice.

30. Contact your nearest SBI branch engaged in Agricultural advances for application and further details. Or you can contact NABARD for availing the loan.

31. These documents include photographs, land records, project reports and, proof of identity. If the individual requires funds to establish a new small dairy unit with only two to four mulch cattle, a project report need not necessarily be required.

32. A dairy farm business loan is a Working Capital Term Loan that can be availed by agriculture laborers, farmers, limited companies, SHGs, registered partnership firms, and dairy co-operative societies. The amount of money that is granted to applicants can range up to Rs. 100,000 for the hypothecation of life stocks. Loan amounts offered to customers can also exceed Rs. 100,000 for the hypothecation of live stocks, or land mortgage, or declaration as per the agricultural credit act, or collateral security of sufficient worth, or third party assurance if stipulated.

The profit margin for loans up to Rs. 100,000 is nil, and loans more than Rs. 100,000 provide a profit margin ranging from 15% to 25%. The rate of interest will differ based on the lender and the structure of the loan. The repayment period is usually between five and six years, and most lenders also provide a moratorium period of two to three months.

Modern Dairy Machines

I feel really proud of you, for this startup work of dairy farming with 20 cows. My hearty wishes for your mission, in the expansion of the farming. Let me answer your questions one by one.

1. Approximately 25 cows can be accommodated in 3 acres. So for 100 cows, it will take around 12 acres.


Age (months) Approximate body weight (kg) Concentrate mixture (kg) Grass (kg)
6-9 70-100 1.5-1.75 5-10
9-15 100-150 1.75-2.25 10-15
15-20 150-200 2.25-2.50 15-20
Above 20 200-300 2.50-2.75 15-20
3.The biochemical constitution along with the rapid multiplication rate makes Azolla ideal organic feed substitutes for livestock. They can easily digest the floating fern on the water due to high protein content and low lignin content. Experience of farmers suggested that cows and buffaloes which consume Azolla recorded an increase of milk production by 15-20 percent

4. It is also always good to feed the cows and buffaloes with green fodder and only the milk production will increase. But you can use these alternatives in the provided quantity to maintain the milk production.

Feed name Energy (ME in Mcal) TDN (kg)
Alfalfa hay 2.36 0.63 200
Napier grass 2 0.55 87
Rape fresh 3.16 0.81 164
Oats 2.73 0.6 140
Sorghum fresh 2.36 0.63 88
Sorghum silage 2.14 0.58 62
Maize silage 2.67 0.7 81
Wheat straw 1.51 0.44 0
Rape seed 2.93 0.76 390
Cotton seed cake2.71 0.71 448
Wheat bran 2.67 0.7 171
Molasses 2.67 0.7 103
Urea 0 0 281

5.To increase milk production in your own concentration The above mentioned feed list with green grass will obviously increase the production. Time must be calculated for each time the feed is given.

6.Approximately calculating each cow of 15,000,a total of 20 cows will come around Rs.3,00,000.

7.Biogas production is best at the same 25:1::C:N ratio as aerobic composting. The reason cattle manure is far and away the most common feedstock for biogas is cattle manure is naturally the perfect 25:1 carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Cattle manure makes an excellent feedstock to begin experimenting with biogas with.

8. The exact makeup of biogas depends on what you feed to the digester. The main ingredient of biogas is methane.

9. National Biogas and Manure Management Programme is a Central Sector Scheme, which provides for setting up of Family Type Biogas Plants mainly for rural and semi-urban/households.

10. By having a quick read about veterinary services and about the medicines. You can just collect them from a veterinary doctor and make confirmation for that.

11. You can just create a pit to store all the wastes so that it will automatically get developed into manure.

12. By registering yourself with Government scheme of Biogas (energy department), you can get the certification.

13. Permission is longer needed for selling the vermicompost, as most of the farmers are doing it now.

14.It is more than enough to serve your household purposes via this bio gas power plant.

15. A normal domestic plant for family members 4–5, biogas plant of 1 cum is sufficient which cost to around 15000–29000 INR.

16.Just by circling the information among your people and by advertising in the internet, you can show your presence of vermicompost available with you.

17. Once you start selling in the local market atuomatically you can create a market is known for your quality milk. Certainly, the same way, its by-products will also gain the market soon.

18. Rs.23 per liter will serve the need and if the price kept remains the same for 3-4 months, there will be a standard of price. Then you can increase it by each rs.1 or rs.2, changing 3 or 4 times a year.

19. Local market and the people nearby your will sure get your milk, as the need for the milk is keep on increasing in this adulteration world.

20. Individual customer will get a daily gain of income, whereas Co-operative societies and hotels will get you bulk income. According to me, engaging in both will get you a good income.

21. Automatic Milk Pouch Packing Machine, Capacity: 2000-3000 pouch per hour. It will cost around 2.7 lakh.


New Member
Breeding dairy cow farming is “Raising highly milk productive cows commercially for the purposes of milk production”. It is part of agriculture or livestock producing long-term milk from cows. Commercial dairy farming has followed from many years. People have been raising dairy cows for milk production since ancient times. This business is a profitable commercial business worldwide. There are lots of new and established dairy farms available worldwide.

Here we are shortly describing about the advantages of dairy farming business:
  • Nowadays the milk production industry is the most desirable industry all over the world. Milk and milk products have huge demand in the market. This is the main benefit to start a commercial dairy cow farming business.
  • Demands for milk and its products will never reduce because both vegetarians and non-vegetarians will have milk.
  • You don’t need to worry about marketing the products because it is a traditional business so you can sell the products easily.
  • it is an eco-friendly business.
  • You can increase dairy production through mechanization instead of using labors.
  • Proper planning, management and taking good care of your animals will provide maximum profit. So, you will get a great source of income.
As we mentioned above, mechanization is very necessary for effective results. If you are interested in starting or running a dairy farm, please contact us for purchasing Dairy Farming Equipment.
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New Member
I feel really proud of you, for this startup work of dairy farming with 20 cows. My hearty wishes for your mission, in the expansion of the farming. Let me answer your questions one by one.

1. Approximately 25 cows can be accommodated in 3 acres. So for 100 cows, it will take around 12 acres.


Age (months) Approximate body weight (kg) Concentrate mixture (kg) Grass (kg)
6-9 70-100 1.5-1.75 5-10
9-15 100-150 1.75-2.25 10-15
15-20 150-200 2.25-2.50 15-20
Above 20 200-300 2.50-2.75 15-20
3.The biochemical constitution along with the rapid multiplication rate makes Azolla ideal organic feed substitutes for livestock. They can easily digest the floating fern on the water due to high protein content and low lignin content. Experience of farmers suggested that cows and buffaloes which consume Azolla recorded an increase of milk production by 15-20 percent

4. It is also always good to feed the cows and buffaloes with green fodder and only the milk production will increase. But you can use these alternatives in the provided quantity to maintain the milk production.

Feed name Energy (ME in Mcal) TDN (kg)
Alfalfa hay 2.36 0.63 200
Napier grass 2 0.55 87
Rape fresh 3.16 0.81 164
Oats 2.73 0.6 140
Sorghum fresh 2.36 0.63 88
Sorghum silage 2.14 0.58 62
Maize silage 2.67 0.7 81
Wheat straw 1.51 0.44 0
Rape seed 2.93 0.76 390
Cotton seed cake2.71 0.71 448
Wheat bran 2.67 0.7 171
Molasses 2.67 0.7 103
Urea 0 0 281

5.To increase milk production in your own concentration The above mentioned feed list with green grass will obviously increase the production. Time must be calculated for each time the feed is given.

6.Approximately calculating each cow of 15,000,a total of 20 cows will come around Rs.3,00,000.

7.Biogas production is best at the same 25:1::C:N ratio as aerobic composting. The reason cattle manure is far and away the most common feedstock for biogas is cattle manure is naturally the perfect 25:1 carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. Cattle manure makes an excellent feedstock to begin experimenting with biogas with.

8. The exact makeup of biogas depends on what you feed to the digester. The main ingredient of biogas is methane.

9. National Biogas and Manure Management Programme is a Central Sector Scheme, which provides for setting up of Family Type Biogas Plants mainly for rural and semi-urban/households.

10. By having a quick read about veterinary services and about the medicines. You can just collect them from a veterinary doctor and make confirmation for that.

11. You can just create a pit to store all the wastes so that it will automatically get developed into manure.

12. By registering yourself with Government scheme of Biogas (energy department), you can get the certification.

13. Permission is longer needed for selling the vermicompost, as most of the farmers are doing it now.

14.It is more than enough to serve your household purposes via this bio gas power plant.

15. A normal domestic plant for family members 4–5, biogas plant of 1 cum is sufficient which cost to around 15000–29000 INR.

16.Just by circling the information among your people and by advertising in the internet, you can show your presence of vermicompost available with you.

17. Once you start selling in the local market atuomatically you can create a market is known for your quality milk. Certainly, the same way, its by-products will also gain the market soon.

18. Rs.23 per liter will serve the need and if the price kept remains the same for 3-4 months, there will be a standard of price. Then you can increase it by each rs.1 or rs.2, changing 3 or 4 times a year.

19. Local market and the people nearby your will sure get your milk, as the need for the milk is keep on increasing in this adulteration world.

20. Individual customer will get a daily gain of income, whereas Co-operative societies and hotels will get you bulk income. According to me, engaging in both will get you a good income.

21. Automatic Milk Pouch Packing Machine, Capacity: 2000-3000 pouch per hour. It will cost around 2.7 lakh.

22. For dairy farmers, this means making cows’ lives easier, too. Tons of farms are turning to revolutionary new gadgets and devices to help boost milk production and monitor their herds.

23. A good heifer management program is an essential component in overall reproductive management and ensuring the performance of the breeding herd. Good heifer management achieves early puberty, higher weaning rates, low mortalities and early identification of females for the turnoff. The objective is for only efficient breeders entering the main cow herd at 3.5 years of age.

24. Single row cow shed should have a length of 3. 80 to 4.25 meters and
Double row cow shed should have 7. 90 to 8.70 meters long.

25. Single row cow shed should have length of 3. 80 to 4.25 meters and
Double row cow shed should have 7. 90 to 8.70 meters length.
The standard length of the building may be of any. It may vary depends upon the number of the animals housed.
Length can be determined based on the total stock to be housed within the building.
Example: In case of dairy 15-20 animals in single row system and 20-50 animals in double row system and above 50 animals a separate shed should be provided.

26. Let me suggest you software suitable for dairy farming.
1. Sahiwala Dairy Milk Management Software
2. Goodbox - Readymade Apps Software

27. Until now I have not come across any ERP software so far, that works effectively. I am waiting for the best one

28. For 25 cows 5 labors will be needed. Likewise, you can manage with your herd. Continuous monitoring of cows is much needed.

29. Milk production records, health records and, feeding records should be maintained properly to have a better farming practice.

30. Contact your nearest SBI branch engaged in Agricultural advances for application and further details. Or you can contact NABARD for availing the loan.

31. These documents include photographs, land records, project reports and, proof of identity. If the individual requires funds to establish a new small dairy unit with only two to four mulch cattle, a project report need not necessarily be required.

32. A dairy farm business loan is a Working Capital Term Loan that can be availed by agriculture laborers, farmers, limited companies, SHGs, registered partnership firms, and dairy co-operative societies. The amount of money that is granted to applicants can range up to Rs. 100,000 for the hypothecation of life stocks. Loan amounts offered to customers can also exceed Rs. 100,000 for the hypothecation of live stocks, or land mortgage, or declaration as per the agricultural credit act, or collateral security of sufficient worth, or third party assurance if stipulated.

The profit margin for loans up to Rs. 100,000 is nil, and loans more than Rs. 100,000 provide a profit margin ranging from 15% to 25%. The rate of interest will differ based on the lender and the structure of the loan. The repayment period is usually between five and six years, and most lenders also provide a moratorium period of two to three months.
Hi Can you contact me .
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Well-Known Member
Please talk tome and give details like land particulars, loan required , number of milch animals etc and apart fee payable.
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