I m ready for business

hi my name is kumar , i m ready to be a part of working partner in goats or cows ect.. like this type of business all over india and now i m located in tamil nadu.so if any one interested to join me as a working partner please contact me with full details.
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hi my name is kumar , i m ready to be a part of working partner in goats or cows ect.. like this type of business all over india and now i m located in tamil nadu.so if any one interested to join me as a working partner please contact me with full details Please contact..


Are you interested in in our proposal of Green house - Dairy Integrated Project?

You can add Goat Farming in this Green house - Dairy Integrated Project.

If you are interested, please let me know your contact details (like email ID / Mobile No.), by sending private message to me.



Please Contact Me


this is kumar from coimbatore tamil nadu. i m interested in ur msg. pls send ur contact details or call me .
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Dear Mr. Kumar
I am working a goat farming project ,if you are interested goat farming business on large scale please contact me.
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Business oppurtunity

Dear Mr Kumar,

I am from chennai, I had posted one thread regarding Teak wood.
I have imported teak wood available with me.I have two qualities.
1. The wood sourced from very old trees 90 plus years age. Quality is A++ GRADE
2. The wood sourced from tress of age 20 to 30 years.

If you are interested being a distributor for us in Coimbatore area you are most welcome, as we are looking for a person over there to be a partner.
So If interested study your local market for timber and let me know at what price you can sell both the quality woods.
Then we can talk further.



Dear Mr Kumar,

I am from chennai, I had posted one thread regarding Teak wood.
I have imported teak wood available with me.I have two qualities.
1. The wood sourced from very old trees 90 plus years age. Quality is A++ GRADE
2. The wood sourced from tress of age 20 to 30 years.

If you are interested being a distributor for us in Coimbatore area you are most welcome, as we are looking for a person over there to be a partner.
So If interested study your local market for timber and let me know at what price you can sell both the quality woods.
Then we can talk further.




I am interested

Please send me private message having your email ID / mobile no



Business opportunity

Hi Dear,

If u intrested to invest in seed business, Pls contact to me . I represent a small seed company (incorporated in 2009) based at Hydarabad. Company is in profitable stage however profit is less due to low investmnet. Qualitas Crop Science, loking for business partner/investor 2 to 20 lac with attractive return.
Dr J K Nigam
Please contact..

hi my name is kumar , i m ready to be a part of working partner in goats or cows ect.. like this type of business all over india and now i m located in tamil nadu.so if any one interested to join me as a working partner please contact me with full details.
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cattle farm(small)

I plan to start bufflow farm 5 animal, near my factory, buse i m running virgin coconut factory, i have its residue, when expelled i got 25% oil, rest is cake, locals buy it for goat, cattle n fish farm feed.now i m using husk to fire drier, i cant control heat at peak time, so it effects quality, i propose bio-gas plant using bufflow dung, bufflow urine, coconut water, other agricultural waste.
We can produce vermi compost using slurry, my father has lot of land and its marketing no problum. Bufflow milk has good demand in our locality, we can also grow grass to feed bufflow, my father is doing rice cultivation, we can use bran and waste to feed bufflow n biogas. Using husk i plan one defibering unit, good demand for fibre locally and overseas. Now my oil cost 120/ltr, if tese projects oil price will raduce considerably, so we can earn roughly minimum 5lakh n we can offer better price to farmers there by induce them to product more.

working partner

hi my name is kumar , i m ready to be a part of working partner in goats or cows ect.. like this type of business all over india and now i m located in tamil nadu.so if any one interested to join me as a working partner please contact me with full details.

hi, I am from PUNE (MAHARASHTRA) we are planning different type of agri projects such as goat farming, EMU farming ,etc. etc. if U R interested pl. e-mail;
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Urgently required labours for dairy farm

Dear sir,
we are running(started dairy farm in cochin-kerala,later (after stabilizing) we are planning to start(after 6 to 8 month). new farm in kerala - thamilnadu border.
hence you are requested to send your contact information to following address.

more over we are facing some problem for the labours for our farm.
could you please help me,because we are getting labours from thamilnadu area,.can you get some contact information for the labours will highly appriciated. we will provided the accomodation for family,and arrangements for cooking etc.also we wiil make all legal documentation arrangements for our worker in legal.we need the peoples for long term

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Reqd partner for existing small dairy farm for expansion

Reqd partner for existing small dairy farm for expansion near nagpur maharashtra......
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