


New Member

I am looking for assistence in this type of farming. "Hydroponics". What is teh standard space required for this and also what are the pre-requisites required. Also would like to know if there any specific type of plants of fruits or vegatables etc which one can do with this technique??

Would sincerely apprecaite on a revertal on the same.

thanks in advance

warm regards,

kirti s

Well-Known Member
Dear sir,
Hydroponics is method were water and soil is scarecity there is very much popular isrel, and dessert contries, but in india no state is scarcity so look for soil culture with in them green house , polyhouse and other types of protected cultivations so try them.

If at all u are intrested select high value crops or english items then do minimum area and invetment depend on yr size of production.

Kirti naik


Senior Member
Hydroponics is really limited by your appetite for investment. On a smaller scale you can start with your terrace and on commercial level you should at least have half an acre of production area.

Prerequisites could be many but that really depends on your (consultant's) resourcefulness and ability to manage the plants. Primarily though good quality water, electricity and good sunny location will be extremely valuable in reducing your cost. If your site is located in non humid (Even dry and hot will do) then you have another advantage.

You can grow many crops and if the crops that you intend are warm / hot weather crops then your investment will be lower and similarly cold / temperate weather crops will increase your investment . Whether you invest less or more you will still be able to break even and earn lot more profits (in % terms) as compare to any other form of farming that is currently being practiced in India.

Hydroponics basically increases the efficiency of your resources many many times over traditional farming and thus you can run as any other professional industry and that is the beauty of this form of agriculture.

As a producer of hydroponic produce, you will be able to supply in off seasons, your produce will have better quality, your yield will be higher and most importantly you will be able to fetch premium for your products over time because you will display consistency in quality and quantity. That alone will be your biggest USP.

You can view Strawberry farming at YouTube - straw berrry in poly house 7/12

Good luck.

Atul Kalaskar
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