Hydroponics based green grass growing machine



Hello all,

we have specifically designed and developed a highly efficient, and cost effective solution for your livestock FRESH GREEN FEED, through out the year,

MAin benefits of the fodder machine :

extreme low water consumption, compared to traditional irrigation method,
can be done anywhere in the world
no need of any fertilizer, totally organic ,
reduced growth time, it takes only 7 days from seeding to feed out,
feed cam be grown 365 days of a year
high yield on very small area (eg. to produce 100kg fodder/day you only need 60 sq.ft)

and many more, you can do visit our site
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New Member
Fresh green feed


I have started a Dairy Farm. The cattle need FRESH GREEN FEED which will provide them nutritional value. Kindly provide your contact details so that I can revert back to you.

Best Regards
Sastry KR
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New Member
Fodder machine is good invention, however I think its to costly.
2) value fodder machine do depriciate with time span but value of land appreciates(increase) with passing time.
3) fodder machine are succesful in contries where climatic condition are not suitable for cultivation. However in india we can do it throughout the year if water is av available
4) fodder machines can be succesful if they are available at low cost.
So I would like to know what is the cost of the machine you have mentioned in your quote.

Surely I want this forum know the cost of the machine rather than you sending pm to members requesting the quote.

Your response would be highly appreciated.


Fodder machine

Hi Provide the cost of the machine for 500 Kg/day. Also metion cost of production. i.e to produce 1KG Green Fodder what will be cost ?


Please provide details

Please provide details of the machine at l]
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Please provide details of the machine at l]
dear aalekh,

check you mail, i have send you all the details in attachment, you can see video of that green grass growing cycle, MRP, technical specification, depreciation cost and all that


Hi Provide the cost of the machine for 500 Kg/day. Also metion cost of production. i.e to produce 1KG Green Fodder what will be cost ?

i have send you PM check further details in it, and one kg green grass cost is approx, 2.28rs/kg, check your PM further and get back to me,

you can check, wwwdot foddermachine dot com for further details




I have started a Dairy Farm. The cattle need FRESH GREEN FEED which will provide them nutritional value. Kindly provide your contact details so that I can revert back to you.

Best Regards
Sastry KR

you can catch me at, office at the rate hitechpowersystems dot in

and apart from that you can see our site

www dot foddermachine dot com

Please revert me as soon as possible



New Member
Hello all,

we have specifically designed and developed a highly efficient, and cost effective solution for your livestock FRESH GREEN FEED, through out the year,

MAin benefits of the fodder machine :

extreme low water consumption, compared to traditional irrigation method,
can be done anywhere in the world
no need of any fertilizer, totally organic ,
reduced growth time, it takes only 7 days from seeding to feed out,
feed cam be grown 365 days of a year
high yield on very small area (eg. to produce 100kg fodder/day you only need 60 sq.ft)

and many more, you can do visit our site
pls send me complete details and price
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First of all appreciated your knowledge, and Thanks to you for appreciating fodder machine's invention too,

see, It's depends on you need if you feel it costly, as it serve you in certain limitation also like limitation of water (it consumes very less water, and if you have shortage of water you can recycle your water too), it requires very less space, (100kg grass/day requires only 10 ft X 6ft space only)

as per your requirements of green grass on daily basis, it serve your need without any dependency, at 24 X 7 and 365 days of the year,

you are right ,As per the time goes prise of the land might be increases, but i don't think that if some one going to buy this machine then it's for purpose of investment only,

And here one more statement from your end is their, fodder machine is successful in some countries only,
its true, but depends on requirement and your purpose to feed your livestock at dairy farm , Fodder machine proves good solution at here in INDIA too,
as In India you can found Diversity in climatic conditions , availability of water, electricity, manpower for labor etc.. so Fodder machine proves best solutions

As your purpose of green grass availability is not solved if you have land only,
after your own land, many questions arise in a que.....like, as i say earlier and you too agree that water is also must, then electricity, then manpower for labor etc...

see, our main purpose of Fodder machine, is to create a one stop solutions,
for those whos daily need is very high and want to serve their livestock with hygienic organic
green grass,

In India we can use it, for dairy farm or at places where shortage of water is their,(this machine is uses approx 3liters of water to produce 1kg grass, and it's quite less then our usual system of irrigation it's up to 90% less i think,) at the place where prices of the agriculture land is very high

And if Fodder machine is the solution for your all problems as mentioned above then it deserves the right cost too,



Hello Mr. Wasim,

First of all appreciated your knowledge, and Thanks to you for appreciating fodder machine's invention too,

see, It's depends on you need if you feel it costly, as it serve you in certain limitation also like limitation of water (it consumes very less water, and if you have shortage of water you can recycle your water too), it requires very less space, (100kg grass/day requires only 10 ft X 6ft space only)

as per your requirements of green grass on daily basis, it serve your need without any dependency, at 24 X 7 and 365 days of the year,

you are right ,As per the time goes prise of the land might be increases, but i don't think that if some one going to buy this machine then it's for purpose of investment only,

And here one more statement from your end is their, fodder machine is successful in some countries only,
its true, but depends on requirement and your purpose to feed your livestock at dairy farm , Fodder machine proves good solution at here in INDIA too,
as In India you can found Diversity in climatic conditions , availability of water, electricity, manpower for labor etc.. so Fodder machine proves best solutions

As your purpose of green grass availability is not solved if you have land only,
after your own land, many questions arise in a que.....like, as i say earlier and you too agree that water is also must, then electricity, then manpower for labor etc...

see, our main purpose of Fodder machine, is to create a one stop solutions,
for those whos daily need is very high and want to serve their livestock with hygienic organic
green grass,

In India we can use it, for dairy farm or at places where shortage of water is their,(this machine is uses approx 3liters of water to produce 1kg grass, and it's quite less then our usual system of irrigation it's up to 90% less i think,) at the place where prices of the agriculture land is very high

And if Fodder machine is the solution for your all problems as mentioned above then it deserves the right cost too,



Fodder machine is good invention, however I think its to costly.
2) value fodder machine do depriciate with time span but value of land appreciates(increase) with passing time.
3) fodder machine are succesful in contries where climatic condition are not suitable for cultivation. However in india we can do it throughout the year if water is av available
4) fodder machines can be succesful if they are available at low cost.
So I would like to know what is the cost of the machine you have mentioned in your quote.

Surely I want this forum know the cost of the machine rather than you sending pm to members requesting the quote.

Your response would be highly appreciated.

Hello Mr. Wasim,

First of all appreciated your knowledge, and Thanks to you for appreciating fodder machine's invention too,

see, It's depends on you need if you feel it costly, as it serve you in certain limitation also like limitation of water (it consumes very less water, and if you have shortage of water you can recycle your water too), it requires very less space, (100kg grass/day requires only 10 ft X 6ft space only)

as per your requirements of green grass on daily basis, it serve your need without any dependency, at 24 X 7 and 365 days of the year,

you are right ,As per the time goes prise of the land might be increases, but i don't think that if some one going to buy this machine then it's for purpose of investment only,

And here one more statement from your end is their, fodder machine is successful in some countries only,
its true, but depends on requirement and your purpose to feed your livestock at dairy farm , Fodder machine proves good solution at here in INDIA too,
as In India you can found Diversity in climatic conditions , availability of water, electricity, manpower for labor etc.. so Fodder machine proves best solutions

As your purpose of green grass availability is not solved if you have land only,
after your own land, many questions arise in a que.....like, as i say earlier and you too agree that water is also must, then electricity, then manpower for labor etc...

see, our main purpose of Fodder machine, is to create a one stop solutions,
for those whos daily need is very high and want to serve their livestock with hygienic organic
green grass,

In India we can use it, for dairy farm or at places where shortage of water is their,(this machine is uses approx 3liters of water to produce 1kg grass, and it's quite less then our usual system of irrigation it's up to 90% less i think,) at the place where prices of the agriculture land is very high

And if Fodder machine is the solution for your all problems as mentioned above then it deserves the right cost too,



New Member
need fodder machine

Hi Wasim,

i would like to know full details of this fodder machine.
please send details below mail id.

Ram M.

Hello Mr. Wasim,

First of all appreciated your knowledge, and Thanks to you for appreciating fodder machine's invention too,

see, It's depends on you need if you feel it costly, as it serve you in certain limitation also like limitation of water (it consumes very less water, and if you have shortage of water you can recycle your water too), it requires very less space, (100kg grass/day requires only 10 ft X 6ft space only)

as per your requirements of green grass on daily basis, it serve your need without any dependency, at 24 X 7 and 365 days of the year,

you are right ,As per the time goes prise of the land might be increases, but i don't think that if some one going to buy this machine then it's for purpose of investment only,

And here one more statement from your end is their, fodder machine is successful in some countries only,
its true, but depends on requirement and your purpose to feed your livestock at dairy farm , Fodder machine proves good solution at here in INDIA too,
as In India you can found Diversity in climatic conditions , availability of water, electricity, manpower for labor etc.. so Fodder machine proves best solutions

As your purpose of green grass availability is not solved if you have land only,
after your own land, many questions arise in a que.....like, as i say earlier and you too agree that water is also must, then electricity, then manpower for labor etc...

see, our main purpose of Fodder machine, is to create a one stop solutions,
for those whos daily need is very high and want to serve their livestock with hygienic organic
green grass,

In India we can use it, for dairy farm or at places where shortage of water is their,(this machine is uses approx 3liters of water to produce 1kg grass, and it's quite less then our usual system of irrigation it's up to 90% less i think,) at the place where prices of the agriculture land is very high

And if Fodder machine is the solution for your all problems as mentioned above then it deserves the right cost too,

