Hydroponic fodder farm establishment

query regarding hydroponic fodder farm ???

plz give the details for establishing hydroponic fodder farm
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We are manufacturer of Greentech Organic Hydroponics systems, which is an ultimate solution for production of quality feed and fodder, under water shortages, drought and adverse climatic conditions with minimum in-put cost round the year.
Presently, we have developed Maize fodder production unit, with unique features which can significantly reduces the production cost of green fodder as compare to conventional production techniques. Feel free to ask about any further information and clarification.

Manan Patel

Hi Manan,

Can u send me the price list for ur product.
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You can produce hydroponic fodder at Home.


I am planning to start up a dairy farm in West Bengal where land is scarce, so I started searching alternative for cultivating my green fodder.

I came across several companies who gave me quotation for Hydroponic machines starting from 6,00,000 to 78,00,000. As I am not a politicial I dont have that much money to invest.

I started experimenting with the concept of Hydroponic fodder cultivation on my own, I experimented with wheat, barley and maize, and I was successful.

Here is how you too can do it at home environment.

Take 1 kg of barley, wheat or maize, it's better if you choose your seed carefully depending on germination percentage, ideal seeds are with germination rate of 95%.


Things required: Bucket, 1 kg seed, a tray which shoud be 7-8 inch deep and where you will be able to spread your entire seed properly and a piece of coton cloth.

Process: Soak your seed for 12 hours in a bucket, after that rinse the water and place the seed on the tray, (spread it evenly and seeds should lay compact as it will form a root mat, if it is not compact root mat will be thin.) Cover it with a wet cloth, (Please remember to drain extra water from the tray or it may get affected with fungus). Place the tray in a dark place.

The cloth should be wet 24/7 and keep checking your cloth so that it doesn't get dry.

Within next 12 hours you can see that your seed has started germinating, keep following the process for next 3 days when you can see small blades of grasses coming out.

Now you have to bring those trays to light, avoid direct sunlight as wheat barley or maize grasses reacts to this, I kept my tray in sunlight for a day and it started drying.

On 7th or 8th day you can see grasses have grown upto 7-8 inches and your green fodder is ready.

Please note: Deepending on what type of seed you are using you will get 6-8 kg of green grasses per kg seed.

Dear Sir,

We can offer start to end, one stop solution / products / services required for establishing hydroponic fodder farm.

Growing hydroponic fodder is the integral part of our Green House - Dairy Integrated Project

Please send your contact details like email ID / Mobile no., by sending private message.


Dear Sir;
I have sent a Private message on my requirement for Hydroponic system of Fodder production- Commercially. Pls. revert with your contact details to my email below:


Cattle and Horse enjoy eating hydrponically grown palatable, nutritious barley fodder


"Hydro Fodder Farm" produces its own electricity so it can promote livestock and dairy production in remote, rural areas.

Hydroponically grown fodder has high moisture content which helps avoid horse's death due to colic.

Hydroponically grown fodder is dust free, which reduces risk, and helps prevent and cure respiratory disease.

In this greenhouse only 2 to 3 litre of water are required to produce 1 kg. of green grass whereas conventional methods require an average of 80 litre water to produce the same quantity.

This 1000 kg. Capacity greenhouse of 300 sq. ft. produces 365000 kg fresh green fodder per year, which is equivalent of 25 acres of grass field.

Baramati, Pune Dist
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Joined: Dec 1, 2003
Posts: 11436
Status: Offline

Re: Hydroponic Fodder

Hydroponic Fodder is new concept for foder production especially in western countries.As far as my openion ,i felt that we have enough land as well as enough sunlight than western countries.So our focus should be on growing advance varieties of fodder varieties recommended by various research institutes in different localities.See,we have perennial & seasonal fodder varieties eg.Haybrid Napier- RBN-13 which now recommened nationally is perennial cereal fodder crop & RLS-88 Lucerne is perennial leguminous fodder crop.So the aspect of fodder production through suitable cultivation system should be focused first than the costlier systems ,may be which are not suitable in our climate.
If you need expert advice,please contact at following addresses of Krishi Vigyan Kendra where experts of animal/veterinary sciences or agronomist will give opinions on hydroponic fodder systems.

Hello Ashwini;
I would like to know if Barseem/Lucerne ( Alf Alfa) can be cultivated using bHydroponic system of Fodder production. Shall appreciate a response from the experts.
Somnath Bhattacharya

Dear sir,

I was very happy to see your postings for the quiries. Realy you share the knowledge and experiences realistically and in very classic. I can't explain in words how much it values for the people like us, curious about certain matters and not getting answers from any where else.

I do agree, our nation is having plenty of land and sunlight. But, very sadly double than that there are lackness in peoples attitude in following matters:
1.geting committed , loyal farm labourers even after taking care of them in all aspects.
2. Attitude of our farmers considering the green fodder growing as equally to any commercial crops.
3. land mafia ,this is the issue going to eat slowly our nation economy in future. Because, even it is extending its arms to villages level and all farmers are giving up lands to the people, who are investing money to hide , convert and for easy expectations by fencing ,planting nilgiris, survey pole trees,teak,silveroak trees, etc.,
4.Finally , the departments like Krishi vignan kendra, dairy technology institute n training institutes are pyaralised ,absolute and reached to no use and not worthy stage. May be few genuine staff must be their but they are discouraged, disguss and not coming to light and covered under dust.
5.Actually, in last national dairy conference, all were talking about hyginic milk production, increasing of milking per cow, cow health etc., but no one is addressed how it should be from the cow shed level.
6. I strongly feel, to-day a persons who want to set up genuinely a good professional, mechanised, small scale dairy farming is dream in our nation, because of non availability of realistic sources, qualitative solutions,eye washing public programmes,in-effecient public services like power etc.,
so, still dont u feel we need realistic,actual good and advanced practices before ending i want to quote one instance/fact i.e. to-day u search any items(whatever it is) u will get 100 varieties/optional quote from china but not from our nation. How we can expect a former can import his requisites from china or any other available countries.

thanks and regards,

Please contact..
you're right Mr.Kasturiraju, we depend on imports for every small need.these sprayers,brush cutters, harvesters, floor cleaners in dairy -all small instruments, we're not able to produce in our country.why?our youth is tuned to join a multinational company for some attractive salary, which is paid from the earnings in our own country. the govt. is also reluctant to search for a solution. instead they spend a huge amount of foreign exchange on imports and subsidies(which are abnormally high)& pose as saviors of agri community.


Dry matter changes with sprouting
During soaking and germination, seeds lose dry matter (DM) as they use their own energy
reserves for growth. Sprouts can regain some DM weight with the uptake of minerals and effective
photosynthesis however in the short growing cycle there is most commonly a DM loss ranging
from 7% to 47%. Within the literature reviewed for this report there were no substantiated
examples of DM gains above the original grain DM input.
An independent study by the Department of Horticulture, University College Dublin in 1986
(Morgan et al. 1992) concluded that increased crop DM content over a short growing cycle is not
Many factors affect the yield of sprouts in particular irrigation, water quality and pH, grain
preparation, grain quality and variety, seeding density, temperature and growing duration.
Hygiene is important to reduce the risk of mould. Soaking period, nutrients and light have some
Seed soaking and germination
During soaking and germination seeds lose dry matter (DM). Chavan and Kadam (1989) state that
the original dry weight of the seed decreases during soaking and subsequent sprouting processes
due to leaching of materials and oxidation of substances from the seed.
When seeds are soaked, solutes leak out of them. Leakage is fastest at the start of imbibition
(water uptake) and comes to a halt after about one day (Simon 1984 as cited in Chung et al.
1989). Solutes that leak include proteins, amino acids, sugars, organic acids, and inorganic ions.
During germination DM is lost due to the increased metabolic activity of sprouting seeds. The
energy for this metabolic activity is derived by partial degradation and oxidation of starch

In indian climatic condition mould is the biggest problem in hydrophonic fodder sysytem and need high initial cost also it is against nature we destroy all the seeds instead of growing we feed seeds so in some time seed will be in demand

“Increased crop dry matter content over the growing cycle is not possible.
The principle factors affecting dry matter are seed preparation, seeding density, irrigation and
growing cycle duration. Irrigation is the most important and the key to successful commercial
designs. Lighting is required only for grass greening at the end of the cycle.
Using optimum methods and conditions a dry matter recovery of over 90% is achievable.
Analyses indicated little loss in feed value during growth, but the production technology is difficult
to justify.
They also suggest that “the greatest potential market for hydroponic barely grass growing
machines would be the bloodstock industry, where feed ‘quality’ rather than cost is a prime


most of our country has above 35 to 40 degree celcius is fodder machine will be suitable and how you would control mould

In indian climatic condition mould is the biggest problem in hydrophonic fodder sysytem and need high initial cost also it is against nature we destroy all the seeds instead of growing we feed seeds so in some time seed will be in demand
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Hi ! can you please allow us to visit this freen house some day.


Cattle and Horse enjoy eating hydrponically grown palatable, nutritious barley fodder


"Hydro Fodder Farm" produces its own electricity so it can promote livestock and dairy production in remote, rural areas.

Hydroponically grown fodder has high moisture content which helps avoid horse's death due to colic.

Hydroponically grown fodder is dust free, which reduces risk, and helps prevent and cure respiratory disease.

In this greenhouse only 2 to 3 litre of water are required to produce 1 kg. of green grass whereas conventional methods require an average of 80 litre water to produce the same quantity.

This 1000 kg. Capacity greenhouse of 300 sq. ft. produces 365000 kg fresh green fodder per year, which is equivalent of 25 acres of grass field.

Baramati, Pune Dist
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Joined: Dec 1, 2003
Posts: 11436
Status: Offline

Re: Hydroponic Fodder

Hydroponic Fodder is new concept for foder production especially in western countries.As far as my openion ,i felt that we have enough land as well as enough sunlight than western countries.So our focus should be on growing advance varieties of fodder varieties recommended by various research institutes in different localities.See,we have perennial & seasonal fodder varieties eg.Haybrid Napier- RBN-13 which now recommened nationally is perennial cereal fodder crop & RLS-88 Lucerne is perennial leguminous fodder crop.So the aspect of fodder production through suitable cultivation system should be focused first than the costlier systems ,may be which are not suitable in our climate.
If you need expert advice,please contact at following addresses of Krishi Vigyan Kendra where experts of animal/veterinary sciences or agronomist will give opinions on hydroponic fodder systems.


Hi Ashwini,

I would like to visit your green house which is using for producing green fooder for cattle in baramati , Cuurently i am staying in pune. Please advise me on this.

thanks ,
mohan chokkakula

You can try for fodder machine, is complete solution for green fodder for your livestock, check it out
it's really a new and good funda for us
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can you please contact me. i am verymuch intrested to start this hydroponic fodder for 100 dairy animal. my contact number
hello dear,

Can you send me your mail id so that we can move further discussion for quote and all the details, you can contact me on
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objecting ur data given by u that 2 rs/kg

I am sorry the information what u have mentioned is wrong, the fodder production system GF 120 which can produce 120kg green fodder per day is only 3.75 lac and which runs on Solar power and your production cost will be at Rs.2.00 per kg ,I guess a small farmer who does not have 1 acre of land to produce enough green fodder for there small diary farm of 6 milking cow unit should be fine with this system, and if u look like other reason why i feel this system should be viable because the dry food quantity consumption also reduces .Labor cost for cutting the green fodder and maintenance is zeroed ,increase in milk production, clean and dust free, highly nutritious green fodder which is been a dream for all cows in India ;)

Subsidy may available up to the 50 % of cost on Solar & wind power
20% subsidy is available from NHB

If i am looking at stall fed farm i feel this is the best way because i can have the 6 unit diary farm in almost 3000 squire feet.

600 squire feet cow shed with cooling system .
bio gas unit (cost Rs.5000)
Vermi compost unit almost same price of Bio gas unit
Azolla unit 80squire feet each unit(6 units for 6 cows, produce almost 750 gms per day each units )
Auto milking unit
store room for medicine and concentrate food.

I guess this should make a perfect small size diary farm which can produce 25000 litters of milk per year(15 litter per cow for 280 days per year *6)
24 commercial size bio gas cylinder per year
43000 KG vermi compost per year.

If i am wrong any where pls correct.

"your production cost will be at Rs.2.00 per kg" This is a wrong calculation because u have not added the cost of the seeds because no grain in can be got for 2 rs or less than 2 rupee even though we get 6 kg form 1 kg. say me the source for the machine to be purchased

Green House - Dairy Integrated Project

I am planning for a project of Green House - Dairy Integrated Project,
kindly help me ,giving details of fodder production hydroponically in green house of 500 sq mt for 100 cattles.
machinary and equipments required, its costing etc.

Dear Sir,

We can offer start to end, one stop solution / products / services required for establishing hydroponic fodder farm.

Growing hydroponic fodder is the integral part of our Green House - Dairy Integrated Project

Please send your contact details like email ID / Mobile no., by sending private message.


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Supplier of Wheat

Hi Everybody,

We will supply you wheat for Hydroponics machine at competitive rate.

Kindly contact us for more details.
