HYD-Profitable Marigold/Aster Flower Farming



If you are intersted in farming of flowers , especially marigold and aster , please contact us we already do 50 acres of flower farms in Hyderabad Area, intersted people with own or leased lands can contact us ......for further details !!

marigold farming

Dear Sir,
I have about 15 acres of irrigated medium black soil at Baroda(Gujarat) & am interested in farming of marigold .
Kindly let me know of further details

Major Sachdeva
Mega Farms
Please contact...
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i have the leased land near yadagirigutta 42 acres , 5 acres i can use for flowers send me the details

thank you
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Dear Sir,

We are interested in floriculture and can allocate 5 acres now for it. Can be scaled up later. Pl send the details as to soil, irrigation and marketing etc requirements & facilities in this arrangement,Please contact...

If you are intersted in farming of flowers , especially marigold and aster , please contact us we already do 50 acres of flower farms in Hyderabad Area, intersted people with own or leased lands can contact us ......for further details !!
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Regarding Floral Farming


I have 17 acre land in Yadagirigutta which has Mosambi Plantations and also have open area of 5 acres in which i wud like to start flower cultivation can u please send me the details of the approximate cost, returns,type of soil required and any other information that might be useful.

i am interested in marigold cultivation also send me useful detail on this my mail id
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