Hybrid Cows



New Member
What about cost of Elachi and Jersey cows, how to maintain the cows, vaccine details, roof model, temperature requirement, space in sq.ft for each cow. Liters per day. Food habit ?

I want to know the details.

kirti s

Well-Known Member

Dear sir,
cost of jesrcy varies form age of the cow a pregnent jerscy cow cost around Rs.25,000.00 to 50,000.00 depending on the age.

*It can servive in tropicle climet
*root model shed can be errected up to 5 mtr.
*it is difficult to quentify the space as I need some basis
*30 to 50 ltrs delpending on the maintaince.
*green fodder, dry fodder,napeir grass, oil cakes, wheet bran, and commercial dairy feeds. there should be balance in above for further details pls visit nearest veternary hospital/KVK/Agriculture collage.


Kirti sNaik


Active Member
Try out http://sites.google.com/site/viveklpm/ for Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD guidelines which can be customized as per your needs
Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
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Active Member
Dear sir,
cost of jesrcy varies form age of the cow a pregnent jerscy cow cost around Rs.25,000.00 to 50,000.00 depending on the age.

*It can servive in tropicle climet
*root model shed can be errected up to 5 mtr.
*it is difficult to quentify the space as I need some basis
*30 to 50 ltrs delpending on the maintaince.
*green fodder, dry fodder,napeir grass, oil cakes, wheet bran, and commercial dairy feeds. there should be balance in above for further details pls visit nearest veternary hospital/KVK/Agriculture collage.


Kirti sNaik
Dear Kirtibhai ,

Please let know how do get the report on cow breeding .


New Member
In India we have a HF(Holstein fresion),Jerssy Cow ,The milk capacity of this cows are 4000 to 5000 liter milk per lactation period,the type of farm house may be Hanging systeam or loose housing systeam. in hanging systean each animal required near about 50 square feet area and in loose housing required 150 square feet area to each animal


Active Member

We have a dairy farm in Jaipur which we have been running profitably(approx. 25% annual) for the past 2 years. Our milk is being supplied to one of the top sweets shops in Jaipur. We are planning to wind up this business as we are developing a resort here.

The farm has excellent herd which has been procured from the best of the villages of Punjab and Haryana. There are a total of 60 cows(HF cross, sahiwals and Jersey) and 5 murrah buffaloes. The pictures can be seen on Jakon dairy

The assets of Jakon dairy on sale includes:

1) Herd - 23 lakhs
2) Tools and machinery: 1 lakh

The above prices are ex-farm and are valid for the next 15 days. All transportation charges will be extra. This could be a valuable opportunity for someone who is looking for starting/expanding a farm. Serious people are welcome for farm visits and a subsequent deal closure. Even if your shed is not ready, we can still go ahead as we can take care of the animals in the interim period of 2-3 months before shifting.

Hopefully we would be able to add value to your project.

Madhur Singhal
Jakon dairy, Jaipur
Please contact..
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Active Member
Try out http://sites.google.com/site/viveklpm/ for Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD guidelines which can be customized as per your needs

Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
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sir among jersy and hf which breed of cows is resistent to diseses .
my second question is whts the cost for a cow yeilding 20 ltrs per day.well is it profitable if we get 20 ltrs per day from a cow and how much profit we can expect.


New Member
find indian cow supplier

we have a dairy farm in bangladesh.we want to buy 10 holstein and jersey cows from india for the high demand of milk in our country.how can i connect with cows supplier of india?
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