How to start buffolow farm ? need information



We are looking for active partners who are interested in starting a dairy operation near Madurai. We already have the land and most of infrastructure in place and the right partner will bring dairy business experience and willingness to manage daily operations. Please msg for more details.


Well-Known Member
You can start with 2 animals to any number of buffaloes for dairy activity.
For 10 no of buffaloes graded murrah is suitable costs about rs.6.00 Lakhs to Rs.7.00 Lakhs, If you are interested to go for general loan up to 100 animals with adequate security you may go for the same.
For growing fodder crops in 2.00 acre are sufficient provided irrigation facilities are available.
2 workers are sufficient to look after the unit
Inintial capital investment will be around 7.00 to 7.5 Lakhs. for general scheme. (under Dairy Entreprunership program of NABARD , unit cost is Rs.6.00 Lakhs out of which 1.50 lakhs will be the subsidy for 10 animals)
You can approach a commercial bank for term loan of Rs.5.40 Lakhs for the same you have to mortgage agricultural land or a vacant site valued at Rs.10 Lakhs .
Daiiry Entrepreneurship development (DED) subsidy program of GOI is being implemented by the NABARD which is yet to be announced for this year. Under this scheme 25 % subsidy is available out of the unit cost of Rs.6.00 Lakhs
You are required to pay nomimal consultation fee and also cost of project report

Please contact us for project report for availing Bank term loan:

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag) - (Ex Agricultural Officer -Department of Agriculture -AP & Agricultural Banker -SyndicateBank)
Agri Finance consultant, Vijaya Agro & SME Consultants
Mobile: 9703128495


Hello Mr Rao - We already have a working farm with Mangoes, Coconuts, Amla, Moringa, Goats, etc. We are looking for a 'working' partner for Dairy. We can start with providing most of the infrastructure but the partner has to be experienced with a desire to start a Dairy. Partnering with us with greatly reduce the start up costs and allow the person to focus on animal acquisition and care. Feel free to reach out to your contacts and network who wish to reduce their startup costs and partner with someone like us who already has many of the infrastructure components in place.
