Re: Jaggery.
JAGGERY is very nutritious and healthy food. Making jaggery neither requires special skill and giant equipments, nor your identity... hahaha... as someone commented, it is very easy to produce at small scale level.
Process :
* First the sugarcane is crushed into sugarcane crusher to get sugarcane juice.
* Then sugarcane juice is boiled in a boiling pan by firing under the boiling pan.
* For heat economy, efficient furnace is constructed in the ground.
* 3 to 4 boiling pans are arranged in line and flue gases pass under all the four boiling pans one after another and then escape through chimney.
* During the boiling, all impurities come on the surface which are removed by scumming.
* While boiling, the sugarcane juice gets concentrated and after evaporating almost all the water, pasty crystaline yellow substance is left in the boiling pan which becomes solid after cooling. This is JAGGERY.
For details on machinery, please do contact.