* Turmeric is a tropical herb and is grown in both tropics and subtropics
* Turmeric will grow luxuriantly in shade if not too dense, but it produces larger and better rhizomes in the open ground exposed to the sun.
* Turmeric require humid climate.
* Turmeric can be grown in diverse tropical conditions from sea level to 1500 m in the hills
* Temperature should be in the range of 20 to 30oC
* Rainfall of 1500 to 2250 mm per annum.
* Also can grown as an irrigated crop.
* The crop cannot withstand water logging
* Soils for Turmeric cultivation should be rich and friable. Soils with a little higher sand content (Loams and sandy loams) are well suited.
* It is grown in different types of soils from light black, sandy loam and red soils to clay loams.
* It grows on light black, ashy loam and red soils to stiff loams in irrigated and rainfed areas.
* It thrives well in a well-drained sandy loam soil rich in humus content or clayey-loam soil.
* The crop cannot stand water logging or alkalinity.
* Gravelly, stony and heavy clay soils are unsuitable for the development of rhizomes.In Andhra Pradesh Turmeric cultivation is largely confined to five Agro Climatic zones, which are as follows
1. Duggirala Zone (Krishan and Guntur Districts)
2. Cuddapah zone (Cuddapah and Kurnool districs)
3. Nizamabad zone (Nizamabad and Karimnagar districts)
4. Godavari Zone (East and West Godavari districts)
5. Agency zone(Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam districts)
There are two dominant types of turmeric found on the world market: 'Madras', and 'Alleppey', both named after the regions of production in India. The orange-yellow flesh Alleppey turmeric is predominantly imported by the United States, where users prefer it as a spice and a food colorant. Alleppey turmeric contains about 3.5% to 5.5% volatile oils, and 4.0% to 7.0% curcumin. In contrast, the Madras type contains only 2% of volatile oils and 2% of curcumin. The Madras turmeric is preferred by the British and Middle Eastern markets for its more intense, brighter and lighter yellow color.
At the time of planting 25 g powdered neem cake mix well with soil is applied in each pit taken at a spacing of 20-25 cm within and between rows. Seed rhizomes may be put in shallow pits and covered with well rotten cattle manure or compost mixed with Trichoderma (10 gm compost inoculated with Tricoderma). A seed rate of 1000 kg rhizomes is required for planting one acre of land. As an intercrop in a fruit-garden seed rate may be as low as 125 - 200 kg per acre. Turmeric can be planted during April-July with the receipt of pre monsoon showers.
The crop has to be harvested at the right maturity and is ready for harvesting in about 7 to 9 months after sowing depending upon the variety. The aromatic types mature in about 7 months, the intermediate types in about 8 months and the late types in about 9 months.
The yield of pure crop varies from 8000 to 10000 kg per acre.
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