How to fence agricultural land from grazing cows



I need to put fence of 850 meter around my farm. The purpose is to protect plants in the farm from grazing cows. What could be the alternatives other than natural fencing and barbed wire fencing? I want to protect from cows starting now only. Hence not going for natural fencing as it takes 2-3 years for fencing plants to grow and offer protection. Barbed wire fencing is costly (considering running length of 850 meter). Hence I need some cheaper solution that can last for at least 2-3 years and protect farm from grazing cows. Any help is appreciated.

hello sir

u can go for bamboo fencing, it is cheaper and long lasting can last upto 2-3 years if tied properly.


I need to put fence of 850 meter around my farm. The purpose is to protect plants in the farm from grazing cows. What could be the alternatives other than natural fencing and barbed wire fencing? I want to protect from cows starting now only. Hence not going for natural fencing as it takes 2-3 years for fencing plants to grow and offer protection. Barbed wire fencing is costly (considering running length of 850 meter). Hence I need some cheaper solution that can last for at least 2-3 years and protect farm from grazing cows. Any help is appreciated.

Dear pmali,

Please go for thatched fence which includes dried coconut leaves and bamboo poles as a temporary resort. Parallely, go for Live / Natural Fence as it is sustainable in the long run. I have written blogs related to Live/Natural and you can use them as a starting point.

Padmanabhan Ganesan
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Dear pmali,

Please go for thatched fence which includes dried coconut leaves and bamboo poles as a temporary resort. Parallely, go for Live / Natural Fence as it is sustainable in the long run. I have written blogs related to Live/Natural and you can use them as a starting point.

Padmanabhan Ganesan

In Maharastra I have seen Fences with Bamboo+cactus. The cactus is thorny and lean pipe like plant.

Cactus is planted and always green.

anybody from Ratnagiri dist please put some light on this.

I need to put fence of 850 meter around my farm. The purpose is to protect plants in the farm from grazing cows. What could be the alternatives other than natural fencing and barbed wire fencing? I want to protect from cows starting now only. Hence not going for natural fencing as it takes 2-3 years for fencing plants to grow and offer protection. Barbed wire fencing is costly (considering running length of 850 meter). Hence I need some cheaper solution that can last for at least 2-3 years and protect farm from grazing cows. Any help is appreciated.

Dear pmali,

No fencing solution can be more economical than barbed wire fencing. The other solutions over it are agricultural honeycomb fence and then electric fence. Let us know your geographical region and we can try to further assist you.
