How to control the flies and mosquito?



Active Member
Dear Dairy experts,

I cannot control the flies and mosquito on my dairy cattle even I used diluted Butox. But how often we can use this Butox. Is there any other way to control the files and mosquito

Amanullah A. G

Boil neem leaves & add salt to it. Spray this water on the animals & around the shed. This will keep flies & mosquitoes away from the animals.
S Kapoor

Use sticky tapes, paper, ribbons. Sticky ribbons, especially the giant ones, are very effective for managing small to moderate fly populations. Their only disadvantage is that they need to be changed every 1 to 2 weeks because they dry out, get coated with dust, or get “saturated” with flies.

control the flies and mosquito

Use sticky tapes, paper, ribbons. Sticky ribbons, especially the giant ones, are very effective for managing small to moderate fly populations. Their only disadvantage is that they need to be changed every 1 to 2 weeks because they dry out, get coated with dust, or get “saturated” with flies.
