how is emu business now



New Member

i want to start emu is that business going..what is present market...where can we sell emu it good one to statr


New Member
Don't go for emu the demand for the emu meet is very less in India. Many farmers lost money in this business. As a banker I have studied the demand and supply and it is not viable


New Member
thanks for reply prasannaing...what about oil,eggs and other products from emu.....can i buy emu oil machine extractor..and distribute emu that good one to go..

Dont Go for Emu Farming.Some of our Friends Just left the Birds in near Forest.They felt that this is the best way Rather than Killing them with out Give food for Birds.


New Member
Dear Jamgood..... as emu bird itself is not profitable venture, the products which are produced out of this may not have much demand. As you are asking about the egg ,at present the people are buying this egg only to start the new emu farm but my suggestion is any product should have end use. In this case emu meat doesn't have demand(how long people can sell the eggs). You are asking about oil, tell me one thing how many people heard about emu oil and its uses , it is very negligible. so my suggestion is not to go for emu and its byproducts.

dont go for emu farming because emu demand very very less in india..... and already started some people..... they are now a days very loss in this business. so dont go for emu frming in india....

Hope you must have red many articals in news paper about the this EMU farming fraud in Tamil Nadu which has spread to many states and many people lost their investments, as many of them pointed out there is no big market for this meet like chicken.
