Holiston cows



New Member
I am planning to estabilish a cows farm at my agriculture land near by Jaipur, Rajasthan. Initially want to have 20 cows. kindly let me know that which breed is good for my location, should i go for holiston, where can i buy good animals.

kirti s

Well-Known Member
dear sir,

Dear sir,
Pls visit nearest veternary department or KVK for details.


Kirti Naik


New Member
New Dairy

I Plan to setup a new dairy of 100 cows and buffaloes in Hyderabad.What quality of Buffaloes or cows should I go for, what is the yeild and also do I have to go for milking machines. If so what is the cost and supplier of those.


Please contact..
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Active Member
Download free, bankable dairy farm project report

Visit Project Reports - Livestock Production Management for Crossbred Cow Dairy Farm Project Reports as per NABARD/Bank guidelines which can be customized (i.e. parameters like sale price of milk, labour costs, bank loan rate etc. can be modified) and downloaded as per your needs.

Instructions for downloading online Project Report:-

1. Visit the site through above-mentioned link.
2. For 2-20 cows, select "Small-scale"
3. For 20-500 cows, select, "Large-scale"
4. Fill in the form clearly. In numeric fields, do not enter additional data like 'Rs' 'lit' '%' 'years' etc.
5. Press TAB to easily shift to the next field.
6. Press 'down arrow' in each field to automatically enter previously submitted information.
7. Click on 'Submit' at the end of the form.
8. Wait till the message 'Please click on view Project Report' appears.
9. Click on 'View Project Report' link at the top of the page.
10. Click on 'Download as PDF' link at the bottom of the Report page to save Project Report.

Please post your comments/suggestions as a reply to this thread in order to facilitate improvements and encourage other entrepreneurs.

Dr. Vivek Patil
Asst. Prof. LPM, Veterinary College, Bidar

Site Moderators please note :This is a livestock extension initiative meant to increase awareness about the economic aspects of dairy farming and aid in project planning by dairy entrepreneurs. It does not involve any business activity.
