High yielding holstein cows and pure murrah buffaloes for sale



Senior Member
Model Dairy Farm has a rich heritage of more than 30 years in breeding and supplying cows of high productivity and pedigree. In fact, ‘dairy cows’ and Model Dairy are considered synonymous by dairy farmers in north and central India. We have assisted numerous dairy farmers, cattle traders & suppliers, NGOs and cattle breeders with advice, selection and shipment of their Dairy Cows requirement.
Available at Model Dairy Farm:-
 Holstein and Holstein Friesian cross Cows with milk yield capacity of 3000 to 7000 liters in a lactation ( 15 to 40 liters milk per day)
 Jersey and Jersey cross cows with milk yield capacity of 3000 to 5000 liters per lactation. (15 to 25 liters per day).
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
We arrange for transport of cows and buffaloes for our customers to Andhra, Maharashtra, MP and all other states of India.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
In case of any clarification feel free to call me at 09936286478

Thanx and regards,

Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)

Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Email: prateekvaish@yahoo.com

age, qty and price

What is the avg. age of these cattle you have for sale? Can I get my own Vet to have a look at them before I buy?
What is the price of:
1. Holstein (40 Lts/day yield) Cows and Ox
2. Holstein Friesian cross Cows (40 Lts/day yield and 15 Lts/day yield) & Ox.
3. Jersey Cows and Ox
4. Pure Murrah Buffaloes and Bulls.
What qty. can you supply within next 3 months?
Looking forward to your advise.
Augustine R.


Dear sir
I may require 20 cows for my dairy which iam planning to start by August in Chitoor .

Please write to my personnel ID about the various options and price.
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Holstein cows and Murrah buffaloes

Dear Sir,
We are one of the most prominent cattle traders in India. You can avail our services for procurement of Pure HF cows, Pedigreed HF Breeding bulls, Murrah buffaloes and Murrah breeding bulls. The prices shall be most economical in the country. Your vet can take a look and may also perform PD etc, if he wishes. Age of cattle we deal in is between 2.5 years to 5 years. Rest details of our annual farm surplus stock is mailed to you.
Thanks and regards,
What is the avg. age of these cattle you have for sale? Can I get my own Vet to have a look at them before I buy?
What is the price of:
1. Holstein (40 Lts/day yield) Cows and Ox
2. Holstein Friesian cross Cows (40 Lts/day yield and 15 Lts/day yield) & Ox.
3. Jersey Cows and Ox
4. Pure Murrah Buffaloes and Bulls.
What qty. can you supply within next 3 months?
Looking forward to your advise.
Augustine R.


Dear sir

Kindly reply to my mail :

I did not get any reply.

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cows required for Dairy farming

Dear bro
I would like to know the cost of high yeilding HF cows and jersey.
Also would like to know,whether they can survive harsh weather conditions of Kashmir in winters.
Thinking u in anticipation
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Dear Prateek:
I am intersted in buying 20 HF and 10 Murrah from 1st/ 2nd lactation for my farm in Rajasthan. I have few querries
What is the avg. age of these cattle you have for sale? Can I get my own Vet to have a look at them before I buy?
What is the price of:
1. Holstein (40 Lts/day yield)
2. Holstein Friesian cross Cows (40 Lts/day yield and 20 Lts/day yield)
3. Pure Murrah Buffaloes
4. What qty. can you supply within next 1 months? If these are ready and available at competitive price we can come down to Kanpur
5. Can you transport these in Kota Raj.
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Hi weare planning to start a small farm of 60 Hf and 40 Jersey and 20 buffallos

Please advice
I am from kerala , Idukki. Interested pls call me

here is my contacts

Model Dairy Farm has a rich heritage of more than 30 years in breeding and supplying cows of high productivity and pedigree. In fact, ‘dairy cows’ and Model Dairy are considered synonymous by dairy farmers in north and central India. We have assisted numerous dairy farmers, cattle traders & suppliers, NGOs and cattle breeders with advice, selection and shipment of their Dairy Cows requirement.
Available at Model Dairy Farm:-
 Holstein and Holstein Friesian cross Cows with milk yield capacity of 3000 to 7000 liters in a lactation ( 15 to 40 liters milk per day)
 Jersey and Jersey cross cows with milk yield capacity of 3000 to 5000 liters per lactation. (15 to 25 liters per day).
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
We arrange for transport of cows and buffaloes for our customers to Andhra, Maharashtra, MP and all other states of India.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
In case of any clarification feel free to call me at 09936286478

Thanx and regards,

Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)

Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Email: prateekvaish@yahoo.com
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Dear Prateek
What is the avg. age of these cattle you have for sale? Can I get my own Vet to have a look at them before I buy?
What is the price of:
1. Holstein (40 Lts/day yield) Cows
2. Holstein Friesian cross Cows (40 Lts/day yield and 15 Lts/day yield)
3. Jersey Cows
4. Pure Murrah Buffaloes and Bulls

Hello sir, I am srom hyderabad, telangana state i am planning to start a dairy farm with cows which milk yield 35-40litres per day. I want to know age and price of the cows. Please help me that should help for my bank loan. Thanks in advance. Send me the details to my E-mail: shyamsundern83@gmail.com


The basal diets of ruminants are mainly crop residues (sorghum, bajra and any other plant straws), and low quality pasture with high fiber content deficient in nitrogen, readily fermentable energy, minerals and vitamins.
In India farming contributes 4.9% of rural GDP of the country.
In general, ruminants are colonized by indigenous micro biota, which assist in digestion and nutrient absorption. However, changes in the dietary content could adversely affect the autochthonous gut micro biota, which leads to intestinal dysbiosis and poor digestion.
To overcome such hurdles we have come up with a technology that offers a probiotic-fermented diet using crop residues that are cheap and locally available, to replace expensive and toxic feed additives and dietary supplements. It involves fermentation of forage with the potential probiotic cultures comprising of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast.
 It can efficiently hydrolyze the fiber rich feed into short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which serve as readily accessible bio available energy to the animals.
 They offer resistance to the animals against various infections by strengthening the immune system.
 The digestibility rate, feed conversion ratios and health status of the animals will be improved
We hope to provide an effective solution. Kindly contact us to know more regarding our product and customizing our innovation with your specific needs.

Contact Us at : niladsadmin@rediffmail.com or +91-9596652020, +91-8974272405
