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Farm land for sale in Magadi, 4.14 acres for 20 lakhs. Interested please contact us. Documentation and Titles very clear.

Farm land for sale in Magadi, 4.14 acres for 20 lakhs. Interested please contact us. Documentation and Titles very clear.

Can provide further details such where it is located in precise and which is the nearest Railway Station/Bus Station.
Infrastructure Available: What type of boundary is there ? What is the water source? Any Power connection/Bore Well etc/ Any Plantation is done ? what are the crops being harvested ? Any Farm Equipment available ? And any other relevant data. Kindly provide this information. Modeof Payment and Time frame to make the Payment ?

interested send complete details to dkm963@gmail.com

Farm land for sale in Magadi, 4.14 acres for 20 lakhs. Interested please contact us. Documentation and Titles very clear.

Interested in purchasing the same, please share the complete details like :-

a) Name of the Village and approximate distance from Magadi
b) Type of Soil and Road connectivity (Tar Road or Mud Road)
c) Water source ( approximate depth of water source)
d) Any other useful info..... and also share your mobile no.

pls email by return to dkm963@gmail.com

Thanks : Manjunath
