Henna Saplings for Sale (Widely using as Bio-Fence)



Active Member
Dear all,

We can supply you N number of Henna saplings which are useful to produce herbal leaf as well as bio-fence. All interested parties can revert back through inbox message.

Thanks and Regards


New Member
Henna bio fence


We wish to bring to your notice that the "S.Kumar's Agri Business Corporation" head-quartered at Hyderabad was established in 1998. Since then we have been promoting various eco friendly concepts, pro-environmental initiatives and sustainable development projects. With our vast field-level practical experiences we have observed and noticed that the farmers of our country are facing severe crop loss issues due to wild boar & wild animal attacks, frequent natural calamities, global warming effects, non availability of labour, cost escalation and climate change issues. It is known fact that many of the wild animals have shifted their habitations from the forests to farm fields due to man-made mistakes such as severe deforestation and high level destruction in the forest areas.
Due to the above situation the farmers who make 70% of the Indian community are leaving agriculture and migrating to the urban habitations in search of livelihoods resulting in many of the villages becoming deserts and the population pressure is at high level in urban areas which is causing various social issues. It is known fact that the most of the countries are shifting towards naturals in all walks of life and the demand for naturals & organic products is ever increasing and it is time to throw light on promotion of different eco-friendly sustainable farming measures & concepts to the struggling farmers.
Keeping in view the alarming situation faced by the farming community due to wild boar & animal attacks which is great concern to the society we have come up with an eco-friendly, cost-effective sustainable solution of "Henna Bio Fence." Henna is non-grazing & pest-free because it is astringent in nature which can be an effective NPM measure, sustains for longer period hence it is perennial, drought tolerant because it can pass through severe climatic situations, creates additional man days through raising & post harvest measures and also generates income because the demand for natural dyes is ever increasing globally. Hence "Henna Bio Fence" can be an eco-friendly cost-effective sustainable solution in place of highly expensive solar, chain linked mesh & barbed wire fences and can act as income & employment generating measure.
Natural dyes are pro-environment and obtained from renewable resources with no health hazards are traditionally used since ages to impart color. There is renewed interest in the application of natural dyes throughout the world today, as eco-friendly norms become stringent and the awareness about protection and preservation of environment grows day by day. The entire world is facing the side effects of synthetic & chemical products. There has been increasing interest in natural dyes, as the public become aware of health issues, ecological and environmental problems related to the use of synthetic dyes. Henna is being used in Textiles, Handlooms, Leather, Hair, Health & Beauty Care, Cosmetics and Tattoo Industries etc.
Considering the above facts, concerns and in light of the multi beneficial advantages, as responsible agri business concern we have initiated this "Henna Bio Fence" project to help the farmers of Andhra Pradesh. We request you to collaborate with us for marketing the seed inputs to the farmers on profit sharing basis and also to create awareness and to transform the concept of an eco-friendly, sustainable and cost effective "Henna Bio Fence" to the farmers to protect the crops from wild boar & animal attacks and to improve their income levels. Henna Bio Fence is also useful as NPM, NTFP, SMC & NRM measures. The decoction of henna leaves can be used as Bio Pesticide for all the crops because of its strong chemical composition reduces the pest management expenditure for a longer period. It also controls the cross pollination (Isolation) issues between different crops.
Henna Bio Fence in one meter width all along the periphery of the crop fields in multiple (6-9) rows will become thick & strong fence which completely arrests the wild boar and animal attacks. Reducing crop loss itself is great benefit to the farmers and as well to the nation and also there are many social & economic advantages in addition to the crop protection measure. It is cost effective sustainable solution when compared with the solar fence, chain linked mesh fence & barbed wire fence. It also can be used as bio fence all along the periphery and to the each plot in the real estate projects and other sorts of agri business projects.
Hence, we request your kind attention towards a noble cause of "Vruksho Rakshathi Rakshithaha" by educating the farmers about the multi advantages of Henna Bio Fence. We are ready with 3 lakh units @ Rs.1,500/- per unit as MRP which is sufficient for one Acre of Henna Bio Fence. Business details can be discussed in person after hearing from you. Once the seeds promotion is over we can concentrate on henna powder business which is having very huge market potential & scope both in the domestic & international markets. We await quick response in this regard to make this pro-environmental project successful. I am herewith providing YouTube link of promo film on Henna Bio Fence.
Henna Bio Fence Video Link:
SKUMAR's ABC - Henna Bio Fenc - English : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkRyAiMutHI
SKUMAR's ABC - Henna Bio Fence - Telugu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fse9vzHiUmo

Thanking You
Best Regards

Ph. No. 919494947894 / 919848028410
Mail:eek:skreddy@gmail.com / oskreddy@yahoo.com
