request pls publish your replay in general forums instead of personal messsage so these advises could be in general reading and references.
In case of solar fencing, does it fool proof for Elephants, and Wild bores?/
how can be prevented properly. ? in heavy rain whether Solar fencing is useful ??
apart from solar fencing whether any more additional protection like trenches or some thing required to prevent wild animals
heard that Elephants invade even in Solar fencing by putting log in to fencing?
pls advise your comments on these issues.
what ar the tree species that can be grown as live
fencing in agri lands?
dear a1fence,
thanks lot for such a detailed information
rajan mathew
I am hoping my experience may help others.
I have used electric fencing extensively. I do not know of any other fencing that is more economically viable than electric and any farm fencing that will stop all animals. All fencing has its plus and minuses, but other things being equal electric is by far the best choice. If you would like to hear more about my experiences, you can reach me at greyweulf at gmail dot com
If you are planning to get your land secured with Fencing but have doubts in mind then,
you can always ask them to us.
We will try our best to give you optimum solution.
Dear sir,
I am planning to do fencing for 6.5 acres of my land in chitradurga karnataka please give me the related information and cost of materials.
Harsha R
I am planning to do fencing for 6.5 acres of my land in Ambad maharashtra please give me the related information and cost of materials.Dear Harsha Ji,
We have sent you a message please check.
I am planning to do fencing for 6.5 acres of my land in Ambad maharashtra please give me the related information and cost of materials.
pl.send cost of voltage control device.
Please provide me the price quote for solar fencing per acre.
Please send me the estimated cost of a simple barbed fence that prevents human intrusions and resistant to damage by sickles. Also few questions
1. Do you have a website ?
2. Will your employees set up the fence ?
3. Do you have offices in Delhi ?
4. Can your fences prevent damage by burrowing animals ?
5. Does your electric fence stun small animals into unconsciousness or is it just a small electric shock that discourages them ?
6. What happens if some vegetation grows to touch the electric feences ?
request pls publish your replay in general forums instead of personal messsage so these advises could be in general reading and references.
In case of solar fencing, does it fool proof for Elephants, and Wild bores?/
how can be prevented properly. ? in heavy rain whether Solar fencing is useful ??
apart from solar fencing whether any more additional protection like trenches or some thing required to prevent wild animals
heard that Elephants invade even in Solar fencing by putting log in to fencing?
pls advise your comments on these issues.