Growing flowers in polyhouse is favorable for the farmers as the quantity and quality of the produce is excellent. There are different types of flowers that can be grown in the polyouse such as cut roses, gerbera, carnations, orchids etc. The variety of flowers to be grown should be decided based on the demand of the flowers in the market. I strongly recommend farmers must ensure to find buyers for their produce then begin with the investment and cultivation.
Post training session when farmer is confident to start farming, he can set up the poly house in one acre. Every state government provides the subsidy for establishing polyhouse structure so it shall be reasonable venture. Later as the farmer gains experience and profits he can expand his operations. Subsidy scheme varies between 50-75%.
Soil pH should be between 5.8-6.8 and water EC should be less than 0.6. The soil should be highly porous for flower cultivation and the structure should have a good drainage facility. Soil testing must be done to check if it is less prone to fungus attack else the production would be less. The soil must be treated with trichoderma and pseudomona to improve the texture and quality. It is best to buy these two components from Government biological labs or IIHR, Hessaraghatta, Bangalore.
Trichoderma and pseudomona can also be mixed with farm yard manure or vermicompost and spray on the bed for soil fumigation. This gives a protective cover to the plants and lessens the probability of the pest/disease/virus/fungus attack.
Soil fertility can be maintained and improved by growing green manure crops after every harvest/crop cycle. It not only replenishes the lost nutrients in the soil but enriches other minerals too required for the next crop cycle. Few green manure crops to name are sunnhemp, dhaincha, pillipesara, clusterbeans and sesbania rostrata.
Polyhouse farming can be done in soil as well as soilless. The regions having the problem of nematodes in the soil then it is better to do farming in cocopeat. Similarly areas having problem of excessive wilt must also use cocopeat media for cultivation in the polyhouse. Certainly farming in cocopeat will be expensive but it secures the crop from the attack of nematodes and wilt. Cocopeat media once laid can be used for four years then after it requires replacement.
Water in the polyhouse for the flower cultivation has to be through in-built drip systems. It can also be used for spraying diluted neem oil and water solution as preventive measure from diseases or pest attack.
Close monitoring on cleanliness is must in polyhouse for consistent growth of the plants. It shall also be helpful in increasing the production. This technology has been proved and farmers can use it with 100% affirmation.