Growing veggies organically

I would like to share my experiences in growing vegetables organically. My first concern was to convince my husband that I knew the subject and was passionate enough to pursue it. My second concern was to convince my farm help to not to add DAP as a fertiliser.
After the field was ploughed and seedlings planted, I used. Neemcake 13% oil at the rate of 250 gms per plant. Soil around each plant was drenched with neem oil at 5% concentration.
Vegetables grown are beans, ladyfingers, brinjal, chilli and tomato. I also used panchagavya 3% solution. Prepared at the farm.
The fruits of this exercise are indeed sweet and family and the far help are convinced and are spreading the good word in the village that chemicals are not a must for cultivation.
Thank you
Laxmi Sarathy

Organic cultivation

Nematodal infestation is a major problem that has a simple solution
Collect 1 kg of each leaves of caltrops, neem, betel, marigold, pongania( honge)
Lantana, thumbe, jatropha. Dry it in shade, chop it and make a decoration of each by boiling it in water separately. Add 1 litre of each to 5 litres of panchagavya and keep aside for 15 days.spray at 3 % concentration
The soggy solid strained material can be dried and mixed with25 kg FYM and deposited around every vegetable plant at the rate of 250gms per plant. This preparation controls nematodes. Better to do this exercise regularly.. Prevention is better than cure. It is also far cheaper than buying and spraying chemicals.


Active Member
Organic veggie

Really I appreciate your move towards organic cultivation of vegetables.If possible follow this for vegetable cultivation.

1.Plow the land and sow green manure like sunhemp and incorporate into the soil( this will not only add nitrogen to soil but prevent nematode infestation too.
2.10 Mt of farm yard manure / acre before last plowing
3.Form broad bed of 4 ft wide and apply 2 bags of neem cake
4.Azospirillum 10 kg+ phosphobacteria 10 kg is mixed with Farmyard maure and applied on the bed
5.If possible apply rock phosphate as basal dose
6.every 16 rows of vegetables must be followed by one row of marigold which act as a trap crop for insect pest
7.One month after planting you apply cow urine and panchakavya at 21 days interval for 3-5 times depending on your convenience
8.Use neem kernal extract or neem oil as natural pesticide
9.seed treatment should be done with speudomonas and trichoderma viridie
10.Any sucking pest may be dispelled with the spray of an organic combination product like ginger paste+garlic+ green chillies powder
11.Use light trap and pheromone trap to attract insect moth to reduce pest population by avoiding mating.
12.ocimum spray may be done
13.Even vermicompost can be used in organic production
14.when you use calotropis it not only act as natural pesticide and also it provide micro nutrient called Boron which is very vital in the plant metabolic process.
15.Mulching with polythene sheet may be done in order to conserve moisture and avoid weed growth.
16. If you install drip irrigation system you can even apply liquid organic fertilizers like humic acid thro' fertigation. Humic acid is really a wonder product having multiple impact on organic production.Also cow urine can be mixed with irrigation water.

When you do commercial organic cultivation of vegetables , if you follow these methods systematically definitely you will harvest bumper yield and it will fetch premium price for your organic vegetable product.
In organic cultivation lot of techniques are there. Only systematic approach will yield a good result and the techniques would vary from crop to crop.

Anyhow I appreciate your innovative move towards organic cultivation.


going organic

dear sir
thank you for your valuable insight . i shall definitely incorporate it in the second season of organic farming.
laxmi sarathy


Dear All,
We are having 15 Different Types of Organic Fertilizer Which are manufactured in Karnataka and have all certificate for using these products.

Our products are using all over India and got good Result in terms of yield, pest control, Fungus control and water Management.

Our Products are Very Cheaper and superior Quality. Our product Ranges starts From Rs.210 for One Acre one time use.

Our Product Name are: K-Zyme,

K-Zyme Banana,
K-Zyme Chilli,
K-Zyme Flowers
K-Zyme Vegetables,
K-Zyme Paddy
K-Zyme wheat,
K-Fit for Fungicides,
K-Super pest Controller,
K-Mite for Controlling Mites
K-Wilt for bacterial wilt,
K-Hume for Soil fertility.


New Member
Mr Ramu,
I liked your post "organic Veggie". Some terminology used is scientific and difficult for lay person like me, maybe you could simplify it if possible.. I have a patch 40'X15' on which i want to grow some vegetables any suggestions on how to plan and go about it. I want to pursue it as a hobby.
Brinda Takley


Active Member
Organic veggie

Mr Ramu,
I liked your post "organic Veggie". Some terminology used is scientific and difficult for lay person like me, maybe you could simplify it if possible.. I have a patch 40'X15' on which i want to grow some vegetables any suggestions on how to plan and go about it. I want to pursue it as a hobby.
Brinda Takley
Mr.Brinda !

Well. I understand you are having a bit of land measuring about 600 square feet.

So you can grow organic vegetables for your home as well as sales


1.Use country plow or spade to loosen the soil and remove weeds from the field..

2. Mix 250 Kgs of well decomposed Farmyard/ cowdung manure with 1 pocket each of Azospirillum and phosphobacteria ( Bio fertilizers -each pocket containing 200 grams)-increase soil fertility thro' fixation and addition of organic nitrogen to the soil

3.Also add 3-5 kgs of super phosphate and mix it well with top soil ( Actually rock phosphate is used in organic farming but in case of non availability of rock phosphate we can use single super phosphate ) - This facilitate root
development .

4. Form 3 feet wide flat topped ridges and one foot wide furrows and sprinkle powdered neem cake on the flat top of the ridge just before planting of seedlings


1.Purchase 3-5 protray each having 98 cell..

2.Treat seeds/ hybrid vegetable seeds with pseudomonas bacteria which is a bio pesticide . If not possible then soak the seeds in cow urine for few minutes before sowing in protray

3.purchase 3-5 kgs of coir pith , mix it with half pocket each of Azospirillum and phosphobacteria and 2 kg powdered neem cake, fill the mixture in protray and dibble vegetable seeds a centimeter deep in each hole of protray ..

4.watering is done using rosecan both morning and late evening - light watering is preferable

5. On 10 th day after planting spray panchakavya 1% instead of normal recommended dose of 3%

6.On 15 th day spray cow urine 3%

7. Quality vegetable seedlings will be ready in 21-25 days


1.Light watering is done an hour before seedlings are removed from protray and protray are taken to main field

2. Fully irrigate the main field so as to soak soil completely

3.plant seedlings on the shoulder of the ridges either side in double row

4. On 7 th day after transplanting apply 100 grams of vermicompost per plant

5.21 st day after planting spray 3 % cow urine

6.25 th day after planting spray 3% panchakavya on foliage

7. 30 th day after planting 1 % humic acid + 3% neem oil on foliage

8. 37 th day after planting spray sea weed extract 3% on foliage

9. Around 45 th day flowering will initiate and pollination will take place henceforth


1. Remove unwanted weed plants by hand using hoe...and mount soil lightly around the base of each plants on 21 to 25 th day



pheromone and light trap is planted in 2 places one at the centre of your field and other at boundary - the pheromone trap will imitate female counterpart of the insect pest by releasing specific odour as that of actual odour emanated from female insect...and all male moth will be lured in to the trap , collected and killed, thus preventing mating ..without mating female will not lay eggs from which the larvae 2nd and 3 rd instar satege would emerge and bore into the stem and fruits and damage the vegetable plants

The insect are active during evening hours between 7.00 to 9.00 P.M..during these hours a light with a hood over it is placed near the field and all the insect will be attracted towards light where the insects are collected when dropped into a wide mouthed container half filled in water with little kerosine sprinkled over water surface


Take necessary quantity of green chillies + garlic + zinger , crush it together , dilute in water and spray it over the vegetable crop..all the insect will be scared away for a very bad smell of this bio preparation


Cow urine and panchakavya not only act as nutrient medium and also repel and keep away pest and disease

If necessary pseudomonas spray can be given


Since seedlings are treated earlier no necessity arise for disease control. However see that water is not standing continuously in the field especially when plants are young.

so drainage ie, facility to remove excess moisture during heavy rainfall is to provided


During planting , 3rd day after planting and then once in a week time( if soil is sandy watering is done once in every 3 days)

However plants will not be allowed to dry during pre flowering , during flowering and post flowering, around 35 th, 45 th and 55 th day after planting -critical period for vegetables requiring enough water to meet its physiological needs of escalated plant metabolism and flowering and fruit setting..


Ash contain potash ..since in the present advanced technological era people are predominantly using gas stove you can not run for ash. So better use potasium chloride either as soil application @ 10-25 grams per plant or as foliar spray 0.5%

Rest you know automatically..

The aim of organic cultivation is to maintain natural soil fertility and soil health and avoid using poisonous chemicals like pesticide , weedicide and fungicide which when used persist in vegetables as toxic residue and reach vital organ in our body and alter genes in the cell thus causing dangerous disease and malformation in new birth as well as surviving human lives..

Organic cultivation is a broad I limit my message to a simple point of easy vegetable growing in organic methods

Attention Brinda ! since you said you are pursuing organic vegetable cultivation as a hobby I trust you enjoy doing all the above recommended practice step by step..

In due course of time you will relish can see how plants grow happily and you can even talk with frequent as you visit vegetable field and take good care of it , the plants will also grow as quick as it can to reach your hip and shoulder and gently brush your side in a breeze where all worries, agonies and tension and stress fly away the moments the plants start talking to you,


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